
NutraWomen Wednesday: Ayla Barmmer, founder & CEO of FullWell

NutraWomen Wednesday: Ayla Barmmer, founder & CEO of FullWell

By Danielle Masterson

Ayla Barmmer is a registered dietitian nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner who specializes in the fertility space. After two decades of providing in-depth education to fellow practitioners on family health issues and working on thousands...

NutraWomen Wednesday: Eliza Ganesh, CEO and Co-Founder, Sunwink

NutraWomen Wednesday: Eliza Ganesh, CEO and Co-Founder, Sunwink

By Danielle Masterson

Research suggests only about 1 in 5 C-suite executives are women, and while the issue of gender equity touches nearly every industry, female leadership in the food and beverage industries presents its own unique challenges, like mass-market heritage brands...

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Blueberries show cognitive benefits in study

By Hank Schultz

A new study has suggested that whole blueberry powder provided cognitive benefits in older individuals with insulin resistance and a heightened risk of future dementia.

©Getty Images - Terri Lee-Shield Photography

Bodybuilding supplement practices can harm kidneys, study says

By Hank Schultz

A new review raises an alarm about some bodybuilding supplementation practices that can damage the kidneys. But an expert with decades of experience in the field said extreme practices followed by some athletes who may have underlying conditions should...

NutraWomen Wednesday: Dr. Jenelle Kim, JBK Wellness Labs

NutraWomen Wednesday: Dr. Jenelle Kim, JBK Wellness Labs

By Danielle Masterson

Dr. Jenelle Kim, DACM, L.Ac. is not only the founder of JBK Wellness Labs, she's the lead formulator. Her products can be found everywhere from spas at the Ritz Carlton to retailers like Whole Foods.

Cara Welch named permanent director of ODSP at FDA

Cara Welch named permanent director of ODSP at FDA

By Stephen Daniells

The US Food and Drug Administration has announced that Dr Cara Welch will be the new permanent director of its Office of Dietary Supplement Programs. The announcement was welcomed by industry trade groups.

NutraCast: Marquis on cracking the code in functional beverages

NutraCast: Marquis on cracking the code in functional beverages

By Danielle Masterson

The pandemic has had a draining effect on many of us, leading some to reach for a beverage that gives us a little pep in our step. In order to meet consumer demand, players are looking for new and innovative ways to stand out by offering unique and distinct...

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