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Guest article

Regulatory update on dietary supplements: Key insights from Canada

By Aaron Skelton, President & CEO of the Canadian Health Food Association

The Canadian political and regulatory landscape has significantly shifted, especially under the current Liberal government, and these changes have directly impacted the natural health products (NHP) sector. In this guest article, CHFA’s Aaron Skelton...

Helaina unleashes human equivalent lactoferrin with effera

Helaina unleashes human equivalent lactoferrin with effera

By Danielle Masterson

Biotech company Helaina recently launched its breakthrough ingredient effera, going from being an R&D company to a commercially viable organization. The move not only marks a critical shift in the company, but offers a novel approach sure to disrupt...

NutraWomen Wednesday: Julia Streuli, Co-founder, FUL Foods

NutraWomen Wednesday: Julia Streuli, Co-founder, FUL Foods

By Danielle Masterson

FUL Foods is a social impact company focused on sustainable nutrition solutions using microalgae. Julia Streuli and her co-founders first met in business school and became interested in decarbonizing the food sector due to its significant impact on global...

Oral probiotics may stymie eczema

Oral probiotics may stymie eczema

By Claudia Adrien

Probiotics have potential to serve as prophylactics for atopic dermatitis (AD), otherwise known as eczema, highlighting the relationship between the gut and skin.

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Wine-making by-product improves eye health in diabetics: Study

By Olivia Haslam

Maltodextrinated Grape Pomace Extract (MaGPE) supplementation reduces retinal swelling and oxidative stress, improving visual outcomes in diabetic retinopathy (DR) patients, according to new research published in the journal Nutrients.

August Launch Pad

August Launch Pad

By Danielle Masterson

As we say goodbye to summer, many brands are doubling up on new releases by featuring products that support both energy and rest.

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Mixed protein may drive better golf performance: RCT

By Stephen Daniells

A combination of calcium casein, whey protein and pea protein isolate may significantly boost your golf swing, including driver distance and driver ball speed, says a new study from South Korea.

GC Rieber VivoMega aims to optimize operations with AI solution

GC Rieber VivoMega aims to optimize operations with AI solution

By Stephen Daniells

Omega-3 solutions provider GC Rieber VivoMega is using Intelecy’s no-code AI platform, which creates machine learning models for real-time predictions to drive operational efficiency, quality and improved sustainability.

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