Sports nutrition

Fair trade, flavor keys to Garden of Life's new protein products

Fair trade, flavor keys to Garden of Life's new protein products

By Hank Schultz

When Garden of Life looked at extending its protein and meal replacement lines with coffee and yerba mate flavors, the company was looking for partners that were the right fit both in terms of ingredient quality and service but also in terms of outlook,...

Caffeine cards are on table following IOM meeting, observers say

Caffeine cards are on table following IOM meeting, observers say

By Hank Schultz

A recent workshop sponsored by the Institute of Medicine on caffeine and its effect in consumer products such as energy drinks was helpful in making clear the points of view of the various stakeholders, according to observers.  What was less clear was...

Solazyme algal protein debuts in Twinlab's CleanSeries powder product

Solazyme algal protein debuts in Twinlab's CleanSeries powder product

By Hank Schultz

Algae producer Solazyme has reached a critical commercial waypoint with the launch of its algal protein ingredient in Twinlab’s new CleanSeries Veggie Protein Powder.  And Twinlab gets a vital differentiator in the increasingly competitive vegetable protein...

DOD's DMAA review: Risky? Perhaps. Deadly? No.

DOD's DMAA review: Risky? Perhaps. Deadly? No.

By Hank Schultz

A Department of Defense safety review of DMAA has concluded that the ingredient poses potential health risks but could not be causally linked to the deaths of four soldiers who died with the ingredient in their bloodstreams.  GNC Holdings, the last brick...

PQQ set to make splash in sports nutrition beverages

PQQ set to make splash in sports nutrition beverages

By Hank Schultz

Two firms have joined forces to bring the multifunctional molecule pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ, into the sports nutrition market via beverage applications.  The partnership pairs Virun’s delivery technology with Nascent Health Sciences' supply...

Watermelon juice soothes sore cycling muscles

Watermelon juice soothes sore cycling muscles


Watermelon juice has ‘excellent’ potential as a functional drink to relieve sore muscles in athletes due to high levels of amino acid L-Citrulluine, a new Spanish study testing cyclists reports.

Complexity of supplements hampers adverse events reporting, experts say

Complexity of supplements hampers adverse events reporting, experts say

By Hank Schultz

The reporting of adverse events in connection with dietary supplements is woefully inadequate, according to experts who spoke Monday at a gathering of toxicologists in Aspen, CO. There are many complicating factors, the experts agreed, not the least among...

More DMAA products come off market

More DMAA products come off market

By Hank Schultz

Beta Labs, a dietary supplements distributor and retailer, has recalled four sports supplement products that contain DMAA. The company said it initiated the recall after “a review of recent FDA communications related to 1,3 dimethylamylamine (DMAA).”

One more time: US Army/ NSF analysis shows DMAA not in geranium

One more time: US Army/ NSF analysis shows DMAA not in geranium


A new analysis from US Army scientists and NSF International finds, yet again, that controversial compound DMAA (1,3 dimethylamylamine) is not found in geranium. The analysis supports FDA conclusions that the evidence is ‘insufficient’ to support the...

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women'

Big interview: Kevin Cleary, CEO Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women right now'

By Elaine WATSON

Nutrition bars enter - and exit - the snacks aisle at the speed of light these days. So how has Clif Bar managed to sustain the kind of growth rivals can only dream of, year after year? Elaine Watson caught up with CEO Kevin Cleary to find out.

Brushing aside market noise, Herbalife posts 17% sales increase

Brushing aside market noise, Herbalife posts 17% sales increase

By Hank Schultz

Herbalife has suffered the slings and arrows of outraged investors recently. But you wouldn’t know it from the company’s financial statements; yesterday the company reported a 17% rise in first quarter net sales, hitting $1.1 billion.

GNC gradually dumping DMAA but not because it's unsafe

GNC gradually dumping DMAA but not because it's unsafe

By Hank Schultz

In the wake of an FDA announcement on DMAA, GNC is moving to gradually remove all DMAA-containing products from its shelves, but not because the company believes that the ingredient is unsafe.

Bitter orange and caffeine combo may be unsafe, says BfR

Bitter orange and caffeine combo may be unsafe, says BfR

By Nathan Gray

Sports supplements and weight loss products that contain a combination of caffeine and synephrine from bitter orange may not comply with current regulations and could be classified as unsafe, warns the BfR.

Special edition: Protein!

Special edition: Protein!


From building muscle to satiety and reducing the risk of sarcopenia, protein is hot. The ingredient has been ever present in our headlines in 2013, and in this special edition we look at the key developments that are sure to influence this powerful trend.

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Product Innovations

Effera™ Human Equivalent Lactoferrin

Effera™ Human Equivalent Lactoferrin

Helaina’s bioactive protein Effera™ is a novel branded ingredient and the first clinically studied Human Lactoferrin on the market. Human Lactoferrin is...