
Photo: iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

13 personalized nutrition companies on the market today

By Adi Menayang

As more studies on human nutrition suggest 'one-size-fits-all' isn't the way of the future, more companies are springing up peddling personalized nutrition solutions. We collected 13 personalized nutrition services and products that are...


The top ingredients for cognition, focus & mood

By Stephen Daniells

Memory, attention and focus, development, mood; there are numerous ways that a nutrient or bioactive ingredient can affect cognitive health. But which have the most science, how do they work?

FDA continuing to drill down to provenance of ingredients

FDA continuing to drill down to provenance of ingredients

By Hank Schultz

Recent warning letters show the Food and Drug Administration continues to hone in on the provenance of ingredients, and demonstrate that the tempo of enforcement remains unchanged despite the moves by the Trump Administration to roll back regulations...

Oral microbiome makeup key link in NO pathway, expert says

Oral microbiome makeup key link in NO pathway, expert says

By Hank Schultz

Boosting nitric oxide in the body has long been a goal in sports nutrition.  But without an understanding of the importance of the proper oral microbiome makeup, it may be a forlorn hope, an expert said recently.

May New Product Launches: Energy for the body and brain

May New Product Launches: Energy for the body and brain

By Adi Menayang

What came out this spring? We have several supplements for brain health, sports nutrition, sexual vitality, and non-drug allergy relief tablets made of quercetin, vitamin D3, and perilla extract.

© iStock/apelletr

Special edition: Sports nutrition

Focus and decision-making: The next big thing in sports nutrition?

By Stephen Daniells

The importance of mental strength in addition to physical strength is gaining increasing appreciation in sports nutrition, and key players are building the science around cognitive health in response to demand for ingredients to boost focus and decision...

FDA uses warning letter to check up on DMAA recall

FDA uses warning letter to check up on DMAA recall

By Hank Schultz

In an unusual move, in a warning letter to a dietary supplement company the Food and Drug Administration has sought information about a recall, in this case one involving DMAA products.

© iStock

GNC’s Q1: ‘Customers are coming back to our stores’

By Stephen Daniells

Shares in GNC rose Tuesday after its first quarter results beat Wall Street's expectations. The improvements were linked to the company’s One New GNC model that introduced a new pricing structure and loyalty programs.

Healthy Skoop aims to ride plant based trend

Healthy Skoop aims to ride plant based trend

By Hank Schultz

Healthy Skoop, a Boulder-based nutritional product company, is capitalizing on the plant-based nutrition trend with new product launches and an expanded retail footprint.

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

By Hank Schultz

The presence and proliferation of phenylethylamines in sports nutrition products continues to be a thorn in the side of the dietary supplement industry.  But trying to regulate these ingredients away is not nearly as straightforward as was the case with...

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Indena focused on achieving an optimized delivery and formulation of the Melissa officinalis’s phytonutrients: Relissa™, Melissa Phytosome™. The ingredient...