Healthy aging

Fertility food supplement targets older couples

Fertility food supplement targets older couples

An Israeli firm has debuted ‘his, her’s and theirs’ food supplements aimed at boosting the fertility of ageing couples who want children - the chances of pregnancy drop to as low as 5% after the age of 40.

Reaching beyond athletes will drive sales of protein drinks

Reaching beyond athletes will drive sales of protein drinks

By Elizabeth Crawford

Consumer interest in health and wellness and on-the-go food continue to fuel growth in the nutritional drink category, but manufacturers could take sales even higher by targeting older and non-athletic consumers, according to Synergy Flavors and market...

The dietary supplement industry and 21st Century healthcare

PLMI 2014 Thought Leaders Consortium

The dietary supplement industry and 21st Century healthcare

By Jeffrey Bland, PhD, President, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute

We are witnessing a revolution in healthcare comparable in impact to that which occurred at the turn of the last century with the discovery of the origin of infectious disease.

Nutritional Armor: Dietary Supplements in the Military

Nutritional Armor: Dietary Supplements in the Military

By Wayne B. Jonas, MD, President & CEO, Samueli Institute

A recent special issue to in the medical journal Military Medicine marks a shift in attitude and approach to dietary supplements by the U.S. military. 

Strategic product development for a personalized, practitioner-driven approach to cardiovascular, metabolic, and cognitive health

PLMI 2014 Thought Leaders Consortium

Strategic product development for a personalized, practitioner-driven approach to cardiovascular, metabolic, and cognitive health

By Barry W. Ritz, PhD, VP Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Atrium Innovations Inc

Developing innovative dietary supplement products for nutrition-trained or functional medicine practitioners who engage in a personalized approach to patient management presents interesting challenges and opportunities. How do you develop, manufacture...

‘Lifestyle medicine is the right idea at the right time’: Dean Ornish, MD

PLMI 2014 Thought Leaders Consortium

‘Lifestyle medicine is the right idea at the right time’: Dean Ornish, MD

By Stephen Daniells

Eat well, stress less, move more and love more: These four simple principles of lifestyle changes have been shown to have significant benefits in managing chronic disease risk, influencing aging, and reducing health care costs. And that’s why lifestyle...

Extra oligofructose and inulin in tube feed doesn't impact bifidobacteria, but does decrease Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Bacteroides-Prevotella, according to a intensive care ward study

Researchers question extra prebiotic use in enteral nutrition

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Additional prebiotics oligofructose and inulin through enteral nutrition does not significantly impact faecal concentrations of ‘friendly bacteria’ bifidobacteria in intensive-care patients, according to research.

Supplement usage holding steady, CRN survey finds

Supplement usage holding steady, CRN survey finds

By Hank Schultz

Supplement usage continues to hold steady in the United States, according to the most recent survey from the Council for Responsible Nutrition. According to the survey, 68% of all US adults reported taking dietary supplements.

Special edition: functional foods

Functional Foods: The end of the processed foods era?

By Peter Wennstrom

To understand Functional Foods you must see it as a strategy to add value to processed foods, says the president and founder of the HealthyMarketingTeam, Peter Wennstrom, in this guest article.

WHO: “Ending malnutrition throughout the world requires action on many fronts.

"When we put all this data together, there isn't a country that doesn't experience significant malnutrition"

Malnutrition costs 11% of world's GDP: Global Nutrition Report


Malnutrition is costing the global economy $3.5 trillion (€2.8trn) a year in both the developing and developed worlds, the biggest ever global survey of nutrition has concluded.

“A congress like this is a stimulus for organisations to reassess recommendations...”

Academic: "Anybody who thinks the world’s malnutrition problems are going to be solved without industry is dreaming."

Time for a vitamin E intake rethink? Emerging data builds argument

By Shane Starling from the 3rd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Emerging research linking vitamin E deficiency with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, miscarriages and fatty liver disease can contribute to an ongoing debate around recommended intakes, a nutrition congress was told yesterday.

Learning from Japan's healthy ageing market

Special edition: Healthy ageing

Learning from Japan's healthy ageing market


From an €80 million market for anti-ageing placenta supplements to the world’s most innovative (and fad-driven) functional foods and drinks market, Japan’s healthy ageing market is unique and instructive.