Dispatches from Supply Side East
Banker: nutraceuticals stay hot amid economic freeze
After a tough end to last year, many companies active within the ‘healthy living’ category have seen performance bounce back up during the first quarter this year, according to Thibodeau, managing director of Canaccord Adams Investment Banking Group.
“The good news is that there is life within our sector, it will continue to perform, and maybe even outperform,” he told attendees at the Supply Side East trade show in Secaucus, New Jersey, yesterday.
“One main reason is that this sector is not discretionary. Once people decide they’ll follow a healthy lifestyle, they’ll continue to do that.”
In this podcast, Thibodeau identifies companies within the industry that have led improvements over the past few months, and also highlights the fundamentals that need to be in place in order to take advantage of the opportunities in today’s marketplace.