
© Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Almost 80% of endurance athletes use supplements: Survey

By Stephen Daniells

Dietary supplement use is very high among endurance athletes, with older athletes using the products, says a new study that suggests opportunity to develop age-specific products for this population.

© guvendemir / Getty Images

US Military supplement use ‘increasing over time’: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Overall use of dietary supplements continues to increase over time in all branches of the US military, says a new survey that shows that 74% of service members reported using at least one supplement at least once a week.

Getty Images /  borgogniels

Multivitamins popular for children, adolescents

By Danielle Masterson

While use varies by demographic characteristics, about one-third of children and adolescents used a dietary supplement in 2017-2018 — a conclusion consistent with findings in recent years.

©Getty Images - serggn

NAD refers immune claims case on to FTC

By Hank Schultz

The National Advertising Division has referred the case of a supplement manufacturer making what have been deemed to be unsubstantiated immune health claims on to the Federal Trade Commission for possible enforcement.

The founders of Vous Vitamins said their goal was to eliminate confusion in the choice of the correct multivitamin.  Getty Images

New personalized vitamin firm aims at simpler, safer formulas

By Hank Schultz

A pair of practicing physicians have founded Vous Vitamin, a personalized multivitamin brand that promises to steer customers toward efficacious dosages of nutrients and avoid what they believe to be dangerous overdose possibilities.

Multivitamins – They Won’t Wash the Windows or Change the Oil Either!

Guest editorial: Steve Mister, President & CEO, CRN

Multivitamins – They Won’t Wash the Windows or Change the Oil Either!

Positive results of the Physicians’ Health Study II show that supplement users - usually more likely to have healthier lifestyles than non-users - may gain potential additional benefits from a daily multivitamin. In this special guest article, Steve Mister,...

Steve Mister, CRN

Guest editorial: Steve Mister, President & CEO, CRN

Multivitamin Study: Making Lemons Out of Lemonade

Why is the dietary supplement industry sabotaging the recent study that showed multivitamins may potentially lower the risk of cancer? In this special guest article, Steve Mister, President & CEO for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), calls...


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