Media & industry critics

© Getty Images / jcamilobernal

20 things we learned at the 2018 IPA DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

The Nagoya Protocol, the big changes coming for Lactobacillus classification, and how to boost your chances of success with an NDI notification were just some of the topic covered during the third annual IPA Workshop in DC.

© Getty Images / Ekaterina79

Supplement OWL Tier 2

CRN launches pilot program for Commercial Data Exchange (CDX)

By Stephen Daniells

As the Supplement OWL approaches 12,000 labels in its Tier 1 product label library, the Council for Responsible has announced a new pilot program to build out Tier 2, which will be known as the Commercial Data Exchange, or CDX.

© Getty Images / Pat_Hastings


Ease of market entry poses risk for entire industry

By Hank Schultz

Does DHSEA contain within it the seeds of the industry’s downfall? The freewheeling marketplace this regulation created has placed the barriers to entry so low that less than reputable companies have room to maneuver, creating risk for the whole industry.

© Getty Images / Dr_Microbe

From the Editor's Desk

No BBC, probiotics are not 'quite useless'

By Stephen Daniells

A new BBC article dismisses the benefits of probiotics because a study failed to find colonization. It is a serious mistake to confuse colonization with efficacy and we need to get this message across to consumers.

Judy Blatman with NutraIngredients-USA editor in chief Stephen Daniells, left, and deputy editor Hank Schultz.


MEET THE WINNERS: NutraChampion Judy Blatman

By Hank Schultz

NutraChampion winner Judy Blatman said she has seen a maturation of the dietary supplement industry in her time at the Council for Responsible Nutrition and sees great potential for the future.

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

Special edition: Nootropics

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

By Hank Schultz

Nootropics is an area of the dietary supplement industry burgeoning with new ingredients. But at the ragged fringe of the category are drug-like substances that just won’t go away.

Herbalife stock at all time high after Ackman throws in towel

Herbalife stock at all time high after Ackman throws in towel

By Hank Schultz

Activist investor Bill Ackman has reportedly exited his short position on Herbalife, ending a high profile, multi-year attempt to drive down the company’s stock price with allegations that its business model constituted an illegal pyramid scheme.

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