News in brief
FDA to transition to new portal for NDI, structure/function submissions
FDA calls the new system the CFSAN Online Submission Module (COSM). It will replace the current electronic submission system, known as the FDA Unified Registration Listing System (FURLS). Companies that have been using FURLS for New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Structure/Function Claims Notifications (SFCN) will use the new system from now on.
According to FDA, starting on Friday, Sept. 6:
1. All system users will see a new interface when accessing the electronic portal for NDIN and SFCN submissions; and
2. User information previously stored in the FURLS database, including login information, will automatically be transferred to the new electronic submission portal in COSM.
The agency added that if companies have a submission pending in FURLS at the moment, they will have 30 days to complete that process. After that, the submission will have to be re entered using the COSM system.
For assistance in completing existing submissions, users can contact FDA at SHEYFFhccbeg@sqn.uuf.tbi.