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Innobio launches vegan vitamin D3 from pine oil

By Olivia Brown

Chinese raw material manufacturer Innobio has introduced a new vegan vitamin D3 ingredient sourced from pine oil to meet the heightened demand for sustainable and effective plant-based supplement alternatives.

Danger of B12 deficiency among vegans, warn researchers

Danger of B12 deficiency among vegans, warn researchers

By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam

Researchers are warning of a potential vitamin B12 deficiency among vegans and vegetarians at a time when people are embracing plant-based diets for January, known as ‘Veganuary’.


New guide offers transparency on plant-based sports nutrition

By Nicola Gordon-Seymour

Increasing popularity of plant-based sports nutrition has compelled sports nutritionist, TJ Waterfall, to compile a new guide designed to educate consumers and promote the industry’s commitment to vegan and vegetarian nutrition.

Getty | Marilyna

Plant or animal protein: What's healthiest for people and planet?

By Nikki Hancocks

Animal sources of protein are more potent than vegan sources for stimulating muscle growth but their significant impact on climate change means plant sources will be key for future diets, researchers will be told later this week as part of an online physiology...


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