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Experts discuss relative risks of probiotics for preterm infants

By Olivia Haslam

Giving preterm infants probiotics comes with relative risks so research is needed to help make this common procedure in low-risk cases, according to experts speaking at the recent International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP)...

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UK FSA: EFSA’s safety concerns will not provoke CBD product removals

By Shane Starling

EFSA’s decision this week to stop the clock on 150 CBD (cannabidiol) Novel Food applications and publish a litany of ‘data gaps’ does not threaten thousands of on-market CBD products in the UK, its Food Standards Agency (FSA) has told NutraIngredients.

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UK’s FSA unveils list of permitted CBD products

By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam

The UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has released a list of cannabinoid (CBD) products which can be sold to consumers, becoming the first country globally to regulate the market for orally consumed, safe legal cannabis extracts.

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CBD novel foods deadline delayed amid last minute applications

By Nikki Hancocks

The FSA (Food Standards Agency) has backtracked on its initial expectation for companies to make their novel foods applications at least five weeks in advance of the deadline and confirmed that it will accept applications up until March 31st, after receiving...


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