White Paper

ProHydrolase® for Protein Hydrolysis

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

This content is provided by Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.nutraingredients-usa.com

ProHydrolase® for Protein Hydrolysis

ProHydrolase is a bio-sufficient supplement designed to build muscle mass and accelerate muscle recovery when used as an ingredient in protein supplements or meal replacements.  This clinically studied enzyme blend digests protein into bio-usable form, taking full advantage of the availability of essential amino acids for building muscle and improving muscle recovery. ProHydrolase is effective with whey, casein, soy, egg, pea and hemp proteins.


Two separate clinical studies demonstrate the ability of ProHydrolase to increase amino acids in the blood by 20%, helping build muscle mass and accelerate muscle recovery when used with a protein supplement.

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