
Mobility and healthy aging: address untapped consumer needs in an evolving market.

Format: External webinar | Document type: Webinar

This content is provided by Lonza Capsules & Health Ingredients, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.nutraingredients-usa.com

Mobility and healthy aging: address untapped consumer needs in an evolving market.

Related categories: Proteins, peptides, amino acids

The joint health market is evolving to include younger consumers focused on maintaining their mobility. This webinar explores the rising prevalence of mobility concerns among young and middle-aged adults, along with consumer attitudes related to this area of their wellbeing.  We will also explore opportunities to innovate with collagen – including UC-II® undenatured type II collagen - and how brands can leverage efficacy and value to appeal to this new generation of active lifestyle consumers.

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Mike Mike Hughes Head of Research and Insight
FMCG Gurus

Amy Amy Sunderman, MS, RD Director, Research & Development, Health Ingredients

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