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Innovations in gummy supplement manufacturing and market

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Next gen gummies: Setting a new standard for gummy supplements

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The global demand for gummy supplements has witnessed an unprecedented surge in recent years, driven by factors such as convenience, indulgence, and efficacy.

Mintel's New Products Database highlights a remarkable 153% increase in sales of gummies in the US between 2017 and 2021, underscoring their popularity among consumers.1​ With the market projected to reach Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.8% from 2022 to 2030, the potential for gummy-based supplements continues to expand.2

Why are gummies gaining such popularity? It all boils down to current trends. Some of the key trends driving this enthusiasm include:

  • Not just for kids​ Gummies are no longer just treats for children. Adult gummy products now make up 65% of all gummy supplements.3
  • Tailored solutions​ Specialized gummy categories address specific needs, offering solutions for immune system support, bone health, skin, nails and hair, energy and antioxidants. These top five claims cater to consumers' evolving wellness concerns.
  • Pill fatigue​ Gummies offer an alternative for those tired of traditional pills. Their flavors can mask unpleasant tastes and smells, providing a genuinely enjoyable supplement experience.
  • Health-conscious choices​ In response to the rising health consciousness, gummy formulas are increasingly free from potentially harmful ingredients like artificial colors and flavors, becoming a more attractive supplement format.
  • Sugar reduction​ With innovations in sweeteners, sugar-free gummies are now available without sacrificing taste. This aligns with consumer desires to reduce sugar intake for health and weight management.
  • Vegan-friendly​ As more consumers embrace vegan lifestyles, there's a growing demand for vegan alternatives. For example, Pectin, a vegan-friendly ingredient, is a prominent feature in 72% of new gummy launches.1​ 

Opening of new gummy manufacturing plant in Florida

Funtrition®, a global leader in science-led gummy contract manufacturing and product development, recently unveiled its latest venture: a cutting-edge gummy facility in the US. Operational since April 2024, this 62,000 square foot facility marks a significant expansion for the company, providing comprehensive manufacturing, development, packaging, and warehousing capabilities to its esteemed current and prospect clients worldwide.

With a steadfast commitment to innovation, Funtrition® integrates art and science into every aspect of its business. The inauguration of this state-of-the-art facility represents a pivotal moment in the company's journey, reinforcing its dedication to offering next-generation gummy products that meet the evolving demands of the supplement market. This strategic expansion not only enhances its existing capabilities but also fortifies its position as a leader in the industry, particularly within the US market.

Strategic investment: Establishing a global presence

Funtrition®'s decision to establish its new manufacturing operation in the US exemplifies its strategic vision to become a global leader in the gummy format. By investing in advanced technologies and flexible manufacturing processes, it aims to cater to the diverse needs of its clients and partners while delivering unparalleled customer service. This expansion not only enhances accessibility for existing stakeholders but also opens doors to new opportunities in the dynamic landscape of the nutraceutical industry.

Key highlights

  • Manufacturing capacity​ The new facility holds a production capacity of 300 tons per month, effectively doubling Funtrition®'s previous output.
  • Breakthrough technologies​ Equipped with the capability to manufacture all of its proprietary gummy technologies, the facility fosters innovation and product differentiation.
  • Packaging capabilities​ From bulk packaging to bottle packaging, the facility can accommodate approximately one million bottles per month, ensuring efficient and scalable operations.
  • Warehousing and logistics​ With 40,000 square feet of warehouse space under air conditioning and 10 loading docks, the facility prioritizes storage and distribution efficiency.
  • Starchless manufacturing​ Embracing starchless manufacturing processes, it upholds rigorous standards of hygiene, efficiency, and product quality.

A gummy technology that can take the heat

At the heart of Funtrition®'s innovation lies its diverse portfolio of proprietary gummy technologies, each designed to address specific market needs and consumer preferences. In addition to its existing portfolio of gummy technologies, GummieX™ is a revolutionary solution designed to address the inherent vulnerabilities of traditional gummy formulations when exposed to high temperatures.

By harnessing a proprietary blend of thermo-reversible and thermo-irreversible gelling agents, GummieX™ enhances the thermal resistance of gummies, ensuring product stability throughout the supply chain. This innovation not only extends the shelf life of gummies but also enhances the sensorial experience for consumers, setting a new standard for gummy supplements in the industry.

Exploring innovative nutritional experiences

Funtrition®, is committed to designing novel nutritional experiences by combining these cutting-edge technologies with exciting nutritional categories to create the next-generation of supplements. Some of its latest product ideas in the categories of active lifestyle, women’s health, and digestive health include:

  • Xtreme Performance (creatine gummies)​ Catering to fitness enthusiasts looking to boost their performance, Xtreme Performance provides the benefits of creatine in a fun and convenient gummy format powered by our Pec-G™ technology. Traditionally known for enhancing muscle strength and promoting post-workout recovery, creatine gummies are starting to appeal to a diverse demographic, including women and older consumers, seeking to support an active lifestyle.
  • Lotus Flower Power (calcium and vitamin D)​ Developed with new technology, Air-G™ Flower Power offers a soft, fluffy gummy with vibrant colors, unique texture and a platform that allows for an easy mineral incorporation designed to support women's muscle health with calcium and vitamin D across all life stages.
  • Nutrify Nutribrain (lion’s mane and ashwagandha) ​Formulated with lion's mane mushroom and ashwagandha extracts, Nutribrain gummies are designed to support memory, cognitive function, and overall brain health, using Layer-G™ technology to offer a rich formulation and an exciting two-in-one sensorial experience.

Super green gummies

Ideal for those seeking a fun and convenient way to enhance their fruit and vegetable intake, green supplements have seen sales grow to US $93 million with a 34% increase in the past year.4 ​SuperG gummies, with a tropical apple and lemon flavor, are packed with vitamins and a blend of fruits like cranberry and pomegranate, and vegetables such as spinach and spirulina, promoting digestive and immune health.

Powered by Pec-G™ technology, SuperG is a plant-based option that incorporates natural ingredients, highlights fruity flavors, and provides a clean, enjoyable bite. By harnessing the power of super greens in a popular gummy format, SuperG meets the rising demand for convenient nutritional supplements, which have seen a 153% sales increase in the US from 2017 to 2021.1

Starchless manufacturing: Elevating quality and efficiency

Funtrition®'s commitment to excellence extends to its manufacturing processes, including the adoption of starchless manufacturing techniques. By eliminating starch from the equation, it upholds rigorous standards of hygiene, efficiency, and product quality. This innovative approach not only ensures visually appealing and allergen-free gummies but also enables precise control over ingredient dosage and minimizes environmental impact, aligning with its sustainability goals.

Shaping the future of gummy supplements

As Funtrition® embarks on this new chapter of growth and expansion, it remains reliable in its commitment to delivering exceptional gummy solutions to the global nutraceutical industry. With pioneering technologies, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, Funtrition is determined to shape the future of gummy supplements and redefine the standards of excellence in the industry.


1.​ Mintel. Mintel’s Global New Products Database.
2.​ Grand View Research. Gummy Market Size & Trends.
3.​ Nutritional Outlook. Who’s driving the gummy supplement market? Hint: It’s not kids.
4.​ Natutral Products Expowest. The State of Supplements.

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