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Black pepper extract and terpenes as dietary cannabinoid to support health
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Black pepper extract and terpenes: How a dietary cannabinoid is enhancing holistic health

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Throughout history, natural remedies have played an important role alongside traditional medicine, supporting a wide range of health issues.

More recently, thanks to scientific advances and a growing awareness for more sustainable practises, consumers are turning to plant-based products for their natural health benefits. Cannabis and its cannabinoids are part of a fast-growing natural health segment, and the cannabinoid market has the potential to introduce innovative natural remedies to target the progression of chronic diseases.1

However, for manufacturers, market access can be challenging due to regulatory and legal hurdles. Although the cannabinoid market is rapidly growing, there are barriers hindering research on the drug. The primary obstacles are surrounding the regulatory status of cannabis and cannabinoids in the US and limited funding and resources to support studies.1

In response, Natural Innovations Group, an Australian company that focuses on creating environmentally friendly products that positively impact human health, has addressed a clear need for an alternative product to fill the gap.

Among its innovative offerings is PhytoCann BP, a patent pending (AU2022900879) black pepper extract titrated in phytocannabinoids and assorted terpenes. The extract undergoes specific standardization to a primary cannabinoid and hosts an 'entourage' of terpenes, specially crafted to mirror characteristics associated with cannabis, without traces of THC or CBD.

Terpenes and black pepper

Terpenes are natural chemical compounds present in various plants such as cannabis, herbs, and citrus fruits. They can have beneficial health benefits when combined with black pepper.2

Studies have highlighted potential positive ‘cardiovascular-protective’ effects of black pepper and terpenes against various cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).3​ These effects, including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-hyperlipidemia and the ability to lower blood-pressure, have shown potential in aiding conditions such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.

Health benefits of black pepper

Renowned for centuries as a flavorful spice, black pepper offers an array of health benefits that extend far beyond its culinary use. Its inclusion in holistic health practices has gained prominence due to its medicinal properties, positioning it as a promising remedy in promoting wellbeing and aiding various health conditions.

Black peppercorns are dried berries harvested from Piper nigrum which is rich in active compounds such as piperine; its bioactive components provide physiological benefits and can prevent chronic diseases due to their antioxidant properties, antimicrobial abilities, and gastro-protective qualities.4

In addition, the alkaloid components found in Piper nigrum, particularly piperine, have been shown to support cognitive brain function, boost nutrient absorption, lower cholesterol and improve gastrointestinal functionality.​These beneficial properties further highlight black pepper's role as a versatile plant-based ingredient, extending beyond its reputation as a flavorful spice.

An ideal climate for pepper cultivation

The extract of black pepper in PhytoCann BP is sourced from the volcanic high-altitude regions on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Sulawesi's climate is notable due to its geographical features and position; its diverse topography, with mountainous regions and volcanic activity, contributes to various microclimates across the island.

The altitude and volcanic terrain influence temperature and precipitation patterns, fostering unique ecosystems and agricultural conditions. In addition, Sulawesi's location near the equator provides a tropical climate with consistent temperatures throughout the year with distinct wet and dry seasons. Its geography and biodiversity create an optimal environment for cultivating premium black pepper, in particular the renowned Piper nigrum variety.

A next-generation black pepper extract

Distributed in the US and Canada by Faravelli Inc., PhytoCann BP stands out as a next-generation black pepper extract meticulously standardized in phytocannabinoids and assorted terpenes. PhytoCann BP®​ is powered by Accusorb®​, a proprietary technology that helps to simplify formulation challenges, thus enabling better delivery of problematic actives.

Thanks to its unique properties, it can support a variety of different health benefits as it is active at the cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) which is present in the brain, immune system and gastrointestinal system.

Because of the synergistic and selective action only on type 2 CB receptors – and not type 1 CB – PhytoCann BP exerts a positive action on various fronts without causing psychotropic effects.

For example, compared with THC which is active at type 1 receptors, PhytoCann BP®​ can bind with cannabinoid receptors in the body. Although it has a different structure to THC and CBD, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system which has relaxing and calming effects. For this reason, and pepper’s history of use, PhytoCann BP®​ is known as a ‘dietary cannabinoid’.

It works in several areas, such as immune support, calm and sleep, mood, pain, anti-inflammatory, detox, brain health, beauty from within, heart health; an effect on the immune and gastrointestinal systems is also plausible, due to the abundance of CB type 2 receptors.

PhytoCann BP is available in liquid and powder grades, with applications including:

  • PhytoCann BP EmulPrep - emulsion Water soluble grade, specific for the development of liquid products, energy drinks, beverage fortification
  • PhytoCann BP SG/LG - Black pepper (Piper Nigrum) liquid extract with phytocannabinoids Soft Gel Liquid Grade with extra virgin olive oil as carrier
  • PhytoCann BP PWD - Black pepper (Piper Nigrum) extract powder with phytocannabinoids Water-insoluble powder, suitable for developing tablets or hard gel capsules

The recommended dosage for the various applications is 50 mg/dose a maximum of one or two times/day.


1. ​Cooper, Z. D.; Abrams, D. I.; Gust, S.; et al. (2021). Challenges for Clinical Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research in the United States.​ Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs. ​(58), 114–122.  
2. ​Cox-Georgian, D.; Ramadoss, N.; Dona, C.; et al. (2019). Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses of Terpenes.​ Medicinal Plants: From Farm to Pharmacy. 333–359.
3. ​Swiderski, J.; Sakkal, S.; Apostolopoulos, V.; et a;. (2023). Combination of Taurine and Black Pepper Extract as a Treatment for Cardiovascular and Coronary Artery Diseases.​ Nutrients. 15(11):2562. 
4.​ Butt, M. S.; Pasha, I.; Sultan, M. T.; et al. (2013). Black pepper and health claims: a comprehensive treatise.​ Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 53(9), 875–886.

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