Naturex emphasizes traceability for new turmeric and blueberry ingredients

By Stephen Daniells

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© iStock/MSPhotographic
French botanical ingredient giant Naturex has launched two new ingredients - ThinkBlue and Turmipure – produced in compliance with its Pathfinder program, a 360° approach to traceability, transparency and trust.

Speaking with NutraIngredients-USA at the recent Vitafoods show in Geneva, Switzerland, company representatives explained that Naturex has produced ID Packs for both ingredients, which contain full details of the processes in place to ensure only extracts of the highest purity are produced and delivered.

“We have developed a sustainable and traceable supply chain that is unique to us, in which concerns about quality and the risk of adulteration have been eliminated,” ​said Alexis Manfré, Category Manager for Naturex, in a statement.

“Through the Pathfinder program, Naturex is encouraging the market as a whole to raise its standards to those equivalent to certified organic. And just as importantly, we are also committed to investing in research and clinical studies that demonstrate the efficacy of both ThinkBlue and Turmipure.”

Healthy aging

Both ingredients are positioned for healthy aging applications, with ThinkBlue, a wild blueberry extract, positioned for cognitive health, and Turmipure, an organic turmeric extract, positioned for joint health.

The wild blueberry extract is associated with episodic memory improvement, said the company. The extract is reportedly different to other blueberry extracts, with a distinct fingerprint of active phytochemicals, including anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, flavanols, proanthocyanidins and flavonols.

The association of blueberry with episodic memory (the recollection of personal experiences and specific events) is based on a study conducted on healthy people aged 65-80 at a daily dose of 111mg, compared with a placebo. The research has not yet been submitted for publication in a peer-review journal.

Additional research is underway via a three-year research collaboration with the University of Reading in England. This research will build upon these recent findings to further investigate the positive impact ThinkBlue may have on age-related cognitive decline, said the company.


Aging populations

By 2050, 17% of the world’s population will be 65 or older, compared with just 8.5% in 2016, according to the US National Institute on Aging.

Turmeric and the curcuminoids it contains are among the hottest botanical ingredients in the dietary supplements space. Data published in Herbalgram​ 111​ indicated that turmeric/curcumin holds top spot for sales in the US natural channel, with total sales of $37,334,821 (up 32% over the previous year’s sales). In the mass channel, turmeric sales grew 118% to hit $15.8 million for 2015.

The anti-inflammatory activity of the botanical has led to reported benefits for a range of health end-points, including brain, cardiovascular, joint, and muscle health.

While many commercially available turmeric-based products seek market differentiation by boosting the bioavailability of the curcuminoids, Naturex is focusing on the traceability and sustainability of its supply, noting that, as demand has increased, reports of potential adulteration in the market are emerging.

“Naturex’s Turmipure organic certified turmeric extract addresses these concerns directly,” ​said the company in a release. “It is 100% traceable, sustainable and botanically authenticated through the Naturex Pathfinder initiative. Sourced from native Southern India in a carefully nurtured environment, and standardized up to 95% curcuminoids, it is produced in line with global organic standards without the use of pesticides or other chemicals.”

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