Deadline for submission: March 18!
We want you! Scientific committee calls for cutting-edge science at the IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas 2016
Organized by the publishers of, the number one daily news service for the functional foods and supplements industries, the IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas will explore the probiotic scientific frontier, its evolution and commercial application in food, supplements and related product areas.
We are inviting abstract proposals from academic researchers and industry professionals on the latest state-of-the-art developments related to all aspects of prebiotic, probiotic and microbiome science relevant to health, well-being, consumers and industry ahead of IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas 2016.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed by the Probiota Americas Scientific Committee made up of leading experts from the fields of pre- and probiotics. Successful abstracts will be presented as oral presentations or posters at the event May 31- June 2 in Chicago.
Abstracts are welcomed from those engaged in all aspects of microbiome science in academia, industry and consumer health, particularly those representing successful academe-industry interactions.
Early-phase, novel, or state-of-the-art research or promising ideas covering the following topics are encouraged:
Host-microbe interactions in health and disease, including preclinical and clinical studies evaluating pre- and probiotic interventions.
Application and development of “-omics” approaches in biomarker discovery, including identification of potential pre- and probiotic strains. Research identifying strain-specific effects of probiotics for health and wellbeing, including mechanism of action and bioactive discovery and isolation.
Early findings from large scale research projects and clinical trials.
Innovations and novel ideas in the areas of production processes, delivery, formulation and shelf-life
Consumer and market insights, including population research, trends and threats, commercial packaging and marketing.
Where applicable the potential for commercial application of the research should be highlighted to support the Probiota Americas aims of bridging the interface between academia and industry.
Any questions about the abstract submission process or the poster session can be addressed to Dr Gemma Pearce.
Here’s a video of last year’s event in San Diego:
The Probiota Americas Scientific Committee:
Dr Arthur Ouwehand, Research Manager, Active Nutrition, DuPont Nutrition & Health
Dr Paul Forsythe, Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator, McMaster Brain-Body Institute
Dr Susan Mitmesser, Director, Nutrition Research, NBTY Inc.
Dr David SelaAssistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Dr Joe Alcock, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of New Mexico
Dr Mary Ellen Sanders, Consultant, Dairy & Food Culture Technologies
Dr Deshanie Rai, Senior Associate Director, Bayer HealthCare
Dr Stephanie-Anne Girard, Clinical Program Manager, Lallemand Health Solutions