NutraIngredients-USA: What’s on our editorial calendar for 2014?


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NutraIngredients-USA: What’s on our editorial calendar for 2014?

Related tags Sports nutrition Special edition Nutrition

From polyphenols to nutrigenomics and the opportunities in personalized nutrition, the latest trends in probiotics, sports nutrition, and Latin America, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2014 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends in the industry.

If you want to share your insights on the topics below with the editorial team, or if you are interested in advertising on any of these special newsletters, please get in touch using the contact details at the end of this article.

January: Polyphenols

From cocoa to berries, and tea to pine bark, we’re only scratching the surface of the potential health benefits of polyphenols. The compounds are emerging from the ‘antioxidant’ shadow, with emerging science showing health benefits from anti-inflammation to altering the gut microflora.

Select articles from the series can be found here: 
The big challenges in polyphenols: Providing credible evidence and a quality supply chain
Global tea polyphenols market set to hit $368 million by 2020
Polyphenol science needs to catch up to better inform regulators and consumers, say experts
Polyphenol use rises 69% in 5 years (but do people get it?)

February: Pre- & Probiotics

An increasing amount of research is exploring the role of the gut microbiota for human health. In terms of cell numbers, humans are 10% human and 90% bacteria. According to the most recent results from the Human Microbiome Project, there are more than 10,000 microbial species occupying the human ecosystem, and microbes contribute more genes responsible for human survival than humans' own genes.


The potential health benefits of pre- and probiotics are legion, from general gut health, to immune support, skin health, weight management, cholesterol control, maybe even vitamin D enhancement.

Select articles from the series can be found here:
What is gut health? That's the blurry 800-pound gorilla in the room
Know what you are putting in your products, urges probiotic Prof
Consumers gradually coming round to probiotics’ oral health potential, and thinking beyond 'dental’ first
Probiotics, fiber continue to steal market share from GI remedies​ 

March: Innovations in delivery systems


Talk modern food and supplement formulation and you will inevitably bring encapsulation and delivery into the discussion. The powerful and ever-changing tool permits high-end blending of often fragile, non-compatible ingredients and nutrients to drive innovation like bioavailability, shelf-life extension and taste, texture and aroma enhancement.

Select articles from the series can be found here:
Huge demand for omega-3 liquid products driving delivery innovations: Virun CEO
Gummy vitamin market still has ‘great’ potential: Pharmavite
Keep a weather eye on regs when deciding on new delivery modes, experts say
NanoSphere Health CSO: ‘We’re revolutionizing the way of delivering nutrients’
Small changes for big differences: The challenges and opportunities in nano-delievery​ 

April: Sports nutrition


The global sports and fitness nutrition market is predicted to be worth a whopping $6.2 billion by 2018, according to a recent report from Global Industry Analysts. From energy to endurance and recovery, an increasing number of manufacturers are attracted by the sports nutrition market that is increasingly being embraced by ‘regular’ people.

Here are select articles from NutraIngredients-USA's series:
Swisse Wellness on US sports nutrition sector: ‘We think there’s an opportunity in this space to make a big impact’
Expert founds company with goal to fill in data gaps on sports nutrition for women
InsideTracker CEO: ‘The one-size-fits-all intervention approach to nutrition makes no sense - Personalization is the future’
Former steroids seller finds scant integrity in supplements marketplace
Offside! ESSNA blows whistle on athletes’ doping excuses

May: Outsourcing


From contract manufacturing to third-party analytical labs and clinical trials, the world of outsourcing is a growth sector of the dietary supplements industry. But what are the key lessons for choosing partners? Why should brand owners increase their auditing of contract manufacturers and analytical partners? How is mobile technology changing clinical trial design and success? What about outsourcing funding to the crowd? And where are the challenges and emerging opportunities in all of this? In the special edition NutraIngredients-USA we answered these questions and more:

Why do many brand owners in the market interpret GMPs as stopping at the manufacturer’s door?
Is a lack of GLPs for supplements a hindrance for the testing industry?
‘Dry labbing’ is still out there, and there is still a market for it, say analytical experts
Mobile technology and RCTs: An innovative trend on the rise
A very hot area: The move is definitely for more data, not less, says CROs

May: Eye health

Eyes Brown

For many consumers it’s all about lutein and zeaxanthin, but is that all there is to eye health? What does the science say for these key ingredients, and what about other ingredients? Brands are also targeting younger consumers, emphasizing that good eye health needs to be supported from an early age, but are consumers listening?

Select articles taking a closer look at eye health are listed here: 
Lutein DRI: ‘A substantial undertaking but an opportunity for industry and the scientific community to work together’
Eye health benefits help drive booming astaxanthin demand
Meso-zeaxanthin: Where do we stand on the eye health sector’s controversial and emerging ingredient?
Are doctors seeing the preventative eye health potential of carotenoids?

June: Bone & Joint health

Knees - Joint Health

Baby boomers, post-menopausal women, athletes: The consumer segments served by bone and joint health products are as varied as the products offered on the market. The bone and joint health supplements market is predicted to hit a whopping US$9 billion globally by 2017 (Global Industry Analysts), but where is the growth coming from?

Bone and joint health is not just about calcium, vitamin D, glucosamine, and chondroitin and numerous ingredients are emerging with sound science to support the potential claims.

July: Cognitive health

Brain working

Cognition spans the lifetime, from development in the womb right through to old age. So how are companies approaching this sector? How does the approach differ between demographics? Which formulations are working? Which ingredients have the best science? How do you build a brand, substantiate the claims, and communicate these effectively with consumers?

For this special edition, NutraIngredients-USA has a long hard think about cognitive health… 

 September: Latin America


Brazil looms large over the other Central and South American countries, with its US$10 billion functional and fortified packaged foods and dietary supplements markets, but other markets are surging, with Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Columbia showing significant growth.

Fast growing middle classes, more demanding and well-informed consumers, changing lifestyles, new beauty stereotypes and aging populations are key to growth in the region for health and wellness products.

In this special edition, we’ll will take a look at trends, innovation, and drivers in the key markets. 

October: Healthy aging 

old lady grey hair_istock_free

Simply growing old is not an option for many aging consumers today. Now, the focus is about maintaining health, avoiding chronic disease, and remaining physically and mentally active. Nutrition and lifestyle are vital for healthy aging, and numerous products and product ranges are tapping into this renewed desire to live longer, healthier lives. 

In this special edition, we will explore the consumer demands and expectations, the demographic targets, and the brands driving this trend.

November: Functional foods

fruit supps

Pills or foods? That is the choice many consumers are making, and, depending on the market, influences the size of the dietary supplement and functional food markets.

Regardless of the region, getting nutritional ingredients into foods requires tackling regulatory hurdles, but food offers a mass market that dwarfs anything possible with supplements.

In this special edition, our editors will look at the success stories, the market trends, the demographic forces, regulatory considerations, and much more.


Our 2013 special editions covered a range of topics, from omega-3 to carotenoids and antioxidants, from botanicals to malnutrition. For the highlights of those specials, please click the following links:

Astaxanthin’s boom, magnesium’s explosion, and omega-3 sustainability: Key lessons from NutraIngredients-USA’s special editions – Part 1

BCAAs, Vitamin Angels, and adulteration of botanicals: Key lessons from NutraIngredients-USA’s special editions – Part 2



If you want to get involved with the editorial content of any of these specials, please drop a line to any member of our editorial team:

Stephen Daniells (Chicago): fgrcura.qnavryyf@jeoz.pbz

Hank Schultz (Colorado): unax.fpuhygm@jeoz.pbz  

If you are interested in advertising on any of these specials, please contact Elodie Delannoy in New York​ rybqvr.qrynaabl@jeoz.pbz  

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