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BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

By Stephen Daniells

One year on from the $3.1 billion acquisition of Cognis, Samy Jandali, VP of nutrition and health North America for BASF, told Stephen Daniells why he is impressed with the progress of the integration and why we can expect more M&A in the nutrition...

Supplements may bridge the gap... or fortify more foods...

Food insufficient for Canadian vitamin D intakes

By Stephen Daniells

Vitamin D fortified foods are not enough to ensure an adequate intake of the vitamin, and one-quarter of Canadians are not meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), says a new study.

Today: Bone & joint health virtual conference

Today: Bone & joint health virtual conference is hosting the first virtual conference dedicated to bone and joint health, showcasing the latest trends and strategies for this multi-million dollar segment.

He's taking his vitamins

Centrum multivitamin passes NASA space stability test

By Stephen Daniells

B vitamins from Wyeth’s Centrum multivitamins are stable over four months of storage on the International Space Station (ISS), says a new study from NASA that has positive implications back on Earth.

Montana firm warned over GMP transgressions

Montana firm warned over GMP transgressions

By Shane Starling

Failing to follow manufacturing records, inappropriate batch production records and poor packaging and label control have been cited by the FDA in a recent post GMP inspection warning letter to a Montana manufacturer.

Supplements have gained their best ever hearing in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines

Industry welcomes USDA Dietary Guidelines supplements shift

By Shane Starling

The US dietary supplements industry has welcomed the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans which demonstrated a thawing in attitude toward supplements use from a Guidelines committee that has previously baulked at recommending them.

GMPs boosting need for contract analytical prowess

Special edition: Outsourcing

GMPs boosting need for contract analytical prowess

By Stephen Daniells

The introduction of good manufacturing practices (GMPs) is a boon for contract analytical services, and those with special services to offer are standing out from the crowd.

USADA's Tygart says dietary supplements are still dogged by quality 'confidence killers'

Dispatches from SupplySide West

USADA chief explains dietary supplement ‘confidence killers’

By Shane Starling caught up with United States Anti-Doping Agency chief executive officer, Travis Tygart, at the recent SupplySide West trade show in Las Vegas to get an update on USADA’s position on dietary supplements.

Fat digestion images point to improved formulation

Fat digestion images point to improved formulation

By Stephen Daniells

Netherlands-based scientists have reported data for the real-time digestion of fats containing ingredients like vitamin D3, insights that could advance the formulation of foods.

Overview: The (seemingly) unstoppable antioxidant powerhouse

Special edition: Antioxidants

Overview: The (seemingly) unstoppable antioxidant powerhouse

By Shane Starling

In the first instalment of this antioxidants special NutraIngredients scans a diverse global market that has barely been dented by the recession and continues to flourish amid consumer understanding that is often little more than surface deep.

Industry attacks McCain Bill for “regulatory overkill”

Industry attacks McCain Bill for “regulatory overkill”

By Shane Starling

Industry groups and legal experts have condemned the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 as an unnecessary threat to existing legislation that is already empowered to ensure dietary supplements in the United States are safe.

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Product Innovations

The Art of Organic Certification

The Art of Organic Certification

The organic food market has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade, providing a major opportunity for food brands and manufacturers to tap...