Skin health

© Getty Images / oatawa

What’s on NutraIngredients-USA's calendar for 2018?

By Stephen Daniells

From weight management to deep dives into sports nutrition, multivitamins, beauty-from-within, personalized nutrition, botanicals, omega-3s, probiotics, and more, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2018 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends...

Photo: iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

13 personalized nutrition companies on the market today

By Adi Menayang

As more studies on human nutrition suggest 'one-size-fits-all' isn't the way of the future, more companies are springing up peddling personalized nutrition solutions. We collected 13 personalized nutrition services and products that are...

© iStock

GNC’s Q1: ‘Customers are coming back to our stores’

By Stephen Daniells

Shares in GNC rose Tuesday after its first quarter results beat Wall Street's expectations. The improvements were linked to the company’s One New GNC model that introduced a new pricing structure and loyalty programs.

© iStock/Kagenmi

Organic & Natural Health launches omega-3 field study

By Stephen Daniells

The Organic and Natural Health Association has launched a consumer education campaign to encourage consumers to test their omega-3 levels to identify supplementation needs, following on from the success of its “Power of D” campaign.

Image: CRN

Can a Registry Build Trust?

By Steve Mister, president & CEO, CRN

Trust is a fickle thing. Just ask the political candidates in the recent election. It’s built over time and can be squandered overnight.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 (LSP1) - one of the most extensively studied probiotic strains, also known as L. rhamnosus GG - has been shown to enhanced insulin sensitivity as well as reduce lipogenesis in experimental animals. ©iStock/TLFurrer

Heard of the gut-brain axis? Meet the gut-skin axis...

By Will Chu

Probiotic supplementation may improve adult acne appearance as researchers discuss the existence of a gut-skin axis in which the gastrointestinal area is targeted by bacterial strains to affect skin physiology.

© iStock/Zoran Zeremski

Office of Dietary Supplements outlines five-year strategic plan

By Stephen Daniells

Creating and disseminating analytic tools for biomarkers, seeking to better understand the microbiome, and enhancing consumer to the Dietary Supplement Label Database are just some of the new directions outlined by the Office of Dietary Supplements for...

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

By George Paraskevakos, executive director of the International Probiotics Association

In a few months’ time I will be celebrating my two-year anniversary running IPA. Time flies when you are passionate about what you do! From a transition period in 2015 to the significant strides we made in 2016 – we truly are living up to being the Global...

© iStock

Regulation of Probiotics in the USA: Dietary Supplements

By Ivan Wasserman, counsel to the International Probiotics Association, and partner at Amin, Talati and Upadhye LLP

The United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulation of products containing probiotics is complex and largely depends on the claims that are made for the product. For example, they can be regulated as foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics,...

© iStock / shironosov

CoQ10 may improve facial wrinkles: RCT

By Stephen Daniells

High dose co-enzyme Q10 supplementation may improve wrinkles around the eyes and other parts of the face, says a new study.

esearchers from the Yakult Central Institute in Japan found mice fed on fermented soymilk showed less skin reddening and skin thickening compared to those fed on regular soymilk. ©iStock

Fermented soymilk isoflavones could cut UV damage

By Eliot Beer

Consuming fermented soymilk products may help protect against ultraviolet radiation damage by increasing the number of isoflavone compounds in the body, according to a study on mice.

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BioCell Collagen Science Review

BioCell Collagen Science Review

BioCell Collagen® is a clinically studied dietary supplement ingredient composed of naturally-occurring hydrolyzed collagen type II peptides, chondroitin...