Nutrify Today


Nutrify Today is world's largest nutraceutical industry networking platform. The platform democratizes the supply chain access across the world by networking, business discussions and deal making. One can download "nutrifytoday" on ios or android phones or log on to the site. The platform also provides market access and NPD solutions into the emerging $100 billion Indian nutraceutical market.

Nutrify Today also conducts global CEO summit at Nutrify C Suite Summit at Taj Mahal Palace-Mumbai, India. The next summit is on 8th and 9th of June 2023

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India: The emerging hub of nutraceuticals

India: The emerging hub of nutraceuticals

Paid for and content provided by Nutrify Today

The Indian Nutraceutical Industry is poised to achieve the 100 billion-dollar dream, suggests a survey by Nutrify Today.