White Paper

Saffron patented extract, the appetite suppressant

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This content is provided by Natac- Sustainable Botanical Extracts Manufacturer, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.nutraingredients-usa.com

Saffron patented extract, the appetite suppressant

Satiereal®​ (marketed as SupresaTM​ in North America) is the only clinically proven ingredient of saffron stigmas that has been shown to have a beneficial effect on satiety, appetite (-84%), and behaviors relating to snacking (-78%), via releasing CNS serotonin.

Saffron is known for its virtues but also for its rarity, thus the cruciality of guaranteeing the botanical ID and quality of the saffron used to obtain Satiereal®​ and to ensure it contains the multiple phytochemical compounds responsible for its benefits.

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