White Paper

Poultry Protein: The Complete Package

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

This content is provided by International Dehydrated Foods, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.nutraingredients-usa.com

Poultry Protein: The Complete Package

With the uptrend in protein-packed applications and increasing allergen awareness, meat protein can be a desirable alternative to plant- and dairy-based proteins. This white paper compares meat proteins – specifically, ARC™ Concentrated Chicken Protein from IDF®​ – to other common proteins, and outlines how a poultry-based protein in a spray-dried, powder form offers formulators a convenient ingredient that can be used to improve product labels and fuel a wide variety of innovative applications, including snacks, bars, protein shakes, bread, pasta, and more.

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