White Paper

Patented Silicon (Si) with GRAS status hits the market

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This content is provided by Silicium Laboratories LLC, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.nutraingredients-usa.com

Patented Silicon (Si) with GRAS status hits the market

Living Silica, the world’s only GRAS - Self Affirmed, patented form of MMST (Monomethylsilanetriol). Silicium's branded ingredient contains bioavailable Silicon (Si) stabilized in acacia gum. The ingredient can be used in foods and dietary supplements.

MMST undergoes irreversible polymerization in high concentrations and becomes ineffective. Living Silica®​ Acacia Gum Powder overcomes this challenge with a patented microencapsulation technology. As the MMST monomers are "isolated" within the acacia gum coating, they are more stable and can be concentrated without the risk of polymerization.

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