White Paper

COLLASIL®OSA - Patented source of bioavailable Silicon (Si)

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COLLASIL®OSA - Patented source of bioavailable Silicon (Si)

COLLASIL®​OSA​: Association of Orthosilicic Acid (OSA) and Marine Collagen, patented for its anti-polymerization technology, which optimizes its bioavailability and efficacy on boosting Skin, Hair and Nails health.

Marine hydrolyzed collagen has been chosen by Sedifa’s scientists (co-creator of the Collasil®​ OSA patent) to be added to OSA, first to prevent its polymerization and therefore optimize its bioavailability and second because collagen is an effective nutrient to maintain connective tissue structure. The association with the collagenic matrix does not modify OSA biological properties, it only avoids its polymerization by spacing out the OSA molecules.

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