NSF Okays Neptune’s environmental claims

100 percent traceable
100 percent traceable

Related tags Antarctica Nsf international

NSF International has approved the key environmental claims of krill player Neptune Technologies & Bioressources Inc. following an extensive and rigorous review.

The audit ensured conformance to the International Organization for Standardization (IS0) 14021: Environmental labels and declaration, and the Federal Trade Commission (16 CFR PART 260): Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.

"The efforts that Neptune put into having their claims verified is laudable,"​ said Petie Davis, sustainability manager at NSF International. "They demonstrated that they had the systems, processes, documentation, and data to support all of their product and process claims,"​ she added.

"This is another significant achievement for Neptune,” ​said Sabrina DiBlasio, Neptune’s marketing director. “This NSF certification will make our partners and consumers aware that our company Neptune, not only strives to use 100% traceable biomass, but more importantly is concerned with the sustainability of the biomass.

“Neptune is cautious and conscious of the consequences our actions have on the environment and we act accordingly,”​ she added.

The NSF audit now approves Neptune to make the following environmental claims:

  • Neptune only uses krill captured by fisheries that follow the Antarctic Treaty (1961) rules and respect the annual capture quota of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
  • Neptune obtains krill from fisheries that use only mid-water trawl, which reduces the impact on other species as by-catch.
  • Neptune krill oils are alternative sources of marine omega-3 which reduce the pressure on fish populations.
  • Neptune's OceanExtract patented process recycles an annual 99 percent of the extraction solvent used during the manufacture of Neptune krill oils.
  • Neptune only uses krill that is 100 percent traceable to the source of capture.

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