IOM to review vitamin D and calcium DRIs
The review, which is to be conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), will involve an examination of all available science to date.
Current daily recommended values (DRI) for the nutrients were established by IOM in 1997. Since then, the organization said there has been significant new research on bone health as well as a growing interest in the connection between vitamin D intake and cancer and other chronic disease.
IOM is now preparing to review the DRIs, following sponsorship it received from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Health Canada.
First steps
Spokesperson Christine Stencel told that the first step IOM will take is to convene a committee of experts. The individuals will be chosen based on their expertise and a conflict of interest review, which is designed to ensure the objectivity of the report.
“They’ll look at the whole cumulative body of evidence available on vitamin D and calcium, and that will include the most recent studies as well as the older studies,” Stencel said.
IOM aims to have a committee in place and to conduct a first meeting by March 2009. The second committee meeting, which will occur during the summer of 2009, will include a public information-gathering forum.
The estimated publication date of IOM’s report is the spring of 2010.
More calls
Just last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a report stating that children should be consuming double the usually recommended levels of vitamin D.
The report said children should be consuming 400 International Units (IUs) of the vitamin per day, compared to the 200 IUs previously recommended by AAP.
IOM currently recommends that children and adults up to age 50 should consume 200 International Units (IUs) of vitamin D per day – equivalent to 5μg. Adults aged between 51 and 70 should have an intake of 400 IUs (10 μg), and adults aged 71 and over should consume 600 IUs (15 μg).
There have been repeated calls in scientific and public circles for a hike in recommended consumption levels of the vitamin in light of research indicating the protective effects that vitamin D may have against conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.