Expo East opens fall shows

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Natural Products Expo East opens today in the new Washington, DC,
Convention Center, bringing together suppliers and manufacturers of
the rapidly expanding natural and organic foods industry.

Natural Products Expo East opens today in the new Washington, DC, Convention Center, bringing together suppliers and manufacturers of the rapidly expanding natural and organic foods industry.

Organisers New Hope Natural Media are expecting more than 19,000 visitors to the 1,720 exhibitor booths, while more than 600 new products will be introduced during the show.

"The industry is expanding swiftly, and new manufacturers are hitting the scene each quarter,"​ said New Hope president Fredrik Linder. "Ours is still a very fertile industry for growth, investment and innovation even during a down economy, and we're pleased to provide the crossroads for manufacturers, retailers, experts and activists with Natural Products Expo East."

Organic products gain extra attention this year with the new involvement of European organic show producer BioFach. Around 200 international and domestic certified organic products manufacturers will exhibit their goods at the BioFach America exhibition in Hall C.

Educational seminars​ also start today, running throughout the show, and focusing on areas including product marketing, herbal and homeopathic remedies, personal care, genetically modified organisms, obesity, and FDA regulations for nutritional supplements.

Seminars highlighted by AHPA include Dr Joseph Betz from the ODS presenting an overview of the Methods and Reference Materials Program's current activities, and specifically its efforts to foster the development of data to assist in identifying adulterants in botanical raw materials. Also Mary Engle, the director of the division of Advertising Practices in the FDA will discuss FTC's current dietary supplement enforcement priorities and recent enforcement actions directed at supplement advertising.

Other industry events include the 9th Annual Socially Responsible Business Awards, to take place on Saturday September 6, 2003 from 8:30 -10:00 am and the annual Spirit of Organic Dinner and Awards, held tonight, from 7 pm to 10 pm.

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