Randomized trials show benefits of magnesium chelate ingredient

By Stephen Daniells

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The magnesium ingredient significant reduced pregnancy-related leg cramps
The magnesium ingredient significant reduced pregnancy-related leg cramps
Daily supplements of magnesium bisglycinate chelate may reduce the frequency and intensity of pregnancy-induced leg cramps, say results from a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Results published in the journal Maternal & Child Nutrition​indicated that daily supplements of Albion’s magnesium bisglycinate chelate at a dose of 300 milligrams per day were associated with a reduction in both the frequency and intensity of leg cramps in healthy pregnant women.

“Magnesium bisglycinate chelate’s absorption rate is 2.2 times better than magnesium lactate or magnesium citrate; thus, it was chosen for this trial,”​ wrote researchers from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

“Therefore, we recommend this form of magnesium for […] pregnancy-induced leg cramps.”

Study details

The study involved 80 healthy pregnant women between 14 and 34 weeks of gestation who had leg cramps at least twice a week. The women were randomly assigned to receive placebo or magnesium bisglycinate chelate for four weeks.

Results indicated that a 50% reduction of leg cramp frequency was observed in 86% of the magnesium group, compared with 60% in the placebo group. In addition, a 50% reduction of leg cramp intensity was recorded in 69.8% of the women in the magnesium group, compared with 48.8% in the placebo group.

“There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of side effects such as nausea and diarrhea,”​ added the researchers.

Cystic fibrosis benefits

In a separate trial with patients with cystic fibrosis, the same magnesium ingredient was found to improve the functional status of the respiratory musculature.

According to findings published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition​ indicated that magnesium bisglycinate chelate supplements at a daily dose of 300 milligrams were linked to a improvements in lung function of the patients, compared to placebo.

The researchers hypothesized that magnesium “may facilitate the removal of highly viscous mucus in chronic lung disease by activating endogenous DNase activity”​.

 “Our double-blind, randomized, crossover study showed that children and adolescents with CF who receive conventional treatment in combination with oral magnesium bisglycinate chelate supplementation achieve significant improvement in functional status of the respiratory musculature and better clinical results,”​ concluded researchers from Federal University of Minas Gerais and the Federal University of Sao Joao del-Rei in Brazil.

Sources: Maternal & Child Nutrition
Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2012.00440.x
“Oral magnesium for relief in pregnancy-induced leg cramps: a randomised controlled trial”
Authors: C. Supakatisant, V. Phupong

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.3945/​ajcn.112.034207
“Oral magnesium supplementation in children with cystic fibrosis improves clinical and functional variables: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial”
Authors: C. Gontijo-Amaral, E.V. Guimaraes, P. Camargos

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1 comment

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Posted by Anna Jacobs,

It's been known for decades that magnesium helps cramps in anyone! I use dolomite tablets by preference and have been doing for over 20 years. They didn't need another study to prove that. What a waste of the medical dollar!

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