
getty | yaoinlove

Infant gut microbiota associated with fine motor skills

By Nikki Hancocks

The microbial landscape of a child's gut may impact their fine motor skills, representing a potential opportunity for probiotic interventions relevant to treatment for motor disorders, according to a new study.

Probiota Americas 2021: Early bird discount expires this week

IPAWC + Probiota Americas 2021: Early bird discount expires this week

By Stephen Daniells

From the potential of artificial intelligence and CRISPR to modulate the microbiome to the science around probiotics and prebiotics and immune function and the changing retail landscape, the upcoming IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas is not to be...

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ADM talks 2021 trends in weight management

By Nikki Hancocks

The global pandemic has heightened consumers’ concerns about their weight and ADM says this awareness is set to last. But what products will fit consumers' evolving demands?

Getty Images / metamorworks

Research team designs novel Microbiome Search Engine 2

By Danielle Masterson

When it comes to large-scale mining of microbiome data sets, the process can be complicated, tedious, and downright overwhelming. Given the large volume of data, it is difficult to relate a new microbiome sample to the huge number of existing microbiome...

microbiome / chrischrisw

Twin study suggests microbial influence on food allergies

By Nikki Hancocks

Healthy and allergic twins exhibit distinct faecal microbial profiles, adding weight to idea that the microbiome may play a protective role in food allergies, according to a new study conducted by the University of Chicago and Stanford University,.

Probiota Champions: In conversation with Dr John Bienenstock

Probiota Champions: In conversation with Dr John Bienenstock

By Stephen Daniells

The gut-brain axis is an exciting possibility that is receiving the appropriate intensity of investigation, and despite ‘little bursts of light here and there’ hinting at its potential, says Dr John Bienenstock.


Study links microbiome diversity to active vitamin D level

By Nikki Hancocks

The gut microbiome's diversity is strongly linked to levels of active vitamin D in older men, according to new research, suggesting that the body's ability to metabolise vitamin D may be more important than the amount stored.

Getty | EKramar

Sensus expands chicory root production

By Nikki Hancocks

To keep up with the rising demand for prebiotic food products, global chicory root supplier Sensus has committed to 'significant' expansion of its production capacity starting in 2021.

Today! IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas Digital Summit

Today! IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas Digital Summit

By Stephen Daniells

Kicking off at 12pm Eastern, the three-day event will combine dynamic live broadcasts with exclusive on-demand content about probiotics, prebiotics, and the microbiome. There is still time to register for FREE.


ADM announces new investment in microbiome-focused fund

By Will Chu

ADM Ventures is to invest in Seventure’s European Health For Life Capital (HFLC) Fund II, which counts Danone and Novartis as investors in the health, nutrition and microbiota microbiome-based fund.

Probiota Champions: Exclusive interviews with industry influencers

Probiota Champions: Exclusive interviews with industry influencers

By Stephen Daniells

In addition to three days of live content, the IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas Digital Summit 2020 will feature our exclusive Probiota Champions interview series with people who have made significant contributions to the category.


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