
© iStock / winlyrung

Quality and science still strong for omega-3: GOED’s 2016 review

By Adam Ismail, Executive Director, GOED

Overall 2016 has not been a bad year for the omega-3 industry, but it also has not been a strong year and therefore it still feels like we are having to fight for our right to exist. If anything, it appears like the omega-3 industry, which has grown on...

© iStock

Rehab, a Registry, and Steady Progress: The Year that Was

By Steve Mister, President & CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition

In many respects, 2016 will go down as the year that the unexpected and the improbable came to pass. For dietary supplements, however, the year was more predictable with a steady road toward rehabilitating its image tarnished from the prior year’s events...

Sports supplements: Doping culprits or doping scapegoats? ©iStock

Supplement shaming wins first Olympic gold medal


It didn’t take long for a dope-busted Olympic athlete to blame a contaminated food supplement for his infringement and sportsmen and sports bodies to jump into the fray with ‘see? you just can’t trust supplements’ missives.

DNA barcoding is still a science project: BI Chief

DNA barcoding is still a science project: BI Chief

By Stephen Daniells

The dietary supplements industry has done a great job coming together to address raw material supply in the wake of the New York Attorney General’s action, says George Pontiakos, CEO of BI Nutraceuticals.

Image: © iStock / FtLaudGirl

Pre-natal multivitamins: ‘Pregnancy is no time to gamble’

By Stephen Daniells

Recent headlines related to a review calling pre-natal vitamin and mineral supplements an “unnecessary expense” for most expectant mothers could lead to serious repercussions and a stronger response from all stakeholders is needed to challenge such statements.

Dr Michael Smith honored by Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr Michael Smith honored by Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

By Stephen Daniells

The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine has recognized the significant contributions of Michael Smith, B.Pharm., ND to the advancement of naturopathic medicine and natural health product regulation in Canada and around the world with an honorary...

Nutrition 21 announces new president

Nutrition 21 announces new president

Purchase, NY-based Nutrition 21, LLC, has announced the appointment of Joe Weiss as its new president, with the top priorities of accelerating the company's growth with product innovation, science and branding.

Vitamin Angels boosts efforts in Indonesia with MOU

Vitamin Angels boosts efforts in Indonesia with MOU

By Stephen Daniells

Vitamin Angels has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Muhammadiyah, among the largest and oldest charitable organizations in Indonesia, to collaborate on alleviating micronutrient deficiency among children under age 5.

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