
Arla says UHT-friendly whey can tackle elderly malnutrition

Arla says UHT-friendly whey can tackle elderly malnutrition

By Shane Starling

About 60% of elderly hospital patients in the UK are malnourished according to recent data from the British Dietetic Association, a problem companies like Danish firm Arla Food Ingredients are trying to tackle with a new whey form.

How to show a clinical trial benefit in healthy populations

How to show a clinical trial benefit in healthy populations


By applying physiological stressors like partial sleep deprivation, it is possible to test the effects of dietary supplements in healthy populations and stay compliant with DSHEA, says Dr Jay Udani, CEO of Medicus Research.

Roquette seeks sports blends for pea protein

Roquette seeks sports blends for pea protein

By Shane Starling

Roquette is intensifying its research efforts into the protein potential of various plant forms, and used HIE to launch a pea form targeting sports nutrition products.

Customized nutrition driving growth in healthcare practitioner channel

Customized nutrition driving growth in healthcare practitioner channel

By Stephen Daniells

Consumer demand for personalized nutrition, and the response of healthcare practitioners to the potential for more holistic approaches to patient care and  potential additional revenue streams are driving growth in this market channel, says a leading...

Functional foodstuffs: The challenge of omega-3 in finished products

Functional foodstuffs: The challenge of omega-3 in finished products

By Nathan Gray in Frankfurt

The challenge of getting beneficial omega-3 fatty acids into finished products is a big one for the food ingredients and manufacturing industry. But how can suppliers and manufacturers work to get these ingredients into a wider range of products?

Is it too risky to market foods containing GMOs as 'all-natural'?

Is it too risky to market foods containing GMOs as 'all-natural'?

Consumers, market researchers tell us, want foods that are ‘wholesome’, ‘authentic’, and above all ‘natural’, although few of them can articulate what this means. And they are not alone. Regulators have not had much of a stab at defining ‘natural’ either,...

'Jackpot justice' legal claims: Firewall strategies for beverage brands


'Jackpot justice' legal claims: Firewall strategies for beverage brands

By Ben Bouckley

Renowned attorney Justin Prochnow talks to Ben Bouckley in Las Vegas about the threat class actions pose to beverage brands, from 'all natural' cases to a new wave of flavor characterization claims, and firewall strategies firms can use to scupper...

Olympic Games throw light on supplement contamination

Industry hopes Olympics will torch supplement contamination concerns


The Olympic Games have in the past brought the food supplements industry to the edge of its collective seat – but not necessarily in fevered anticipation of the world-class sporting fare on offer as anti-doping scrutiny has raised contamination issues.

Nutraceutical industry needs new trial design culture

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2012

Nutraceutical industry needs new trial design culture: Research veteran

By Shane Starling

The multi-billion euro global nutraceutical industry will never achieve its potential until it better adapts pharma protocols – and this can be done with food nutrients, says Dr Stephen de Felice, who was the keynote speaker at the recent Vitafoods expo...

Coke backs SATIN satiety project to battle obesity

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2012

Coca-Cola bites into EU-backed obesity project

By Shane Starling from Geneva

What is the world's biggest carbonated beverage company doing in a European Union satiety research project? Why, collaborating to battle obesity of course…

IPA co-founder: EU probiotic approach is “dirty pool”

Disptaches from Microbiota 2011

IPA co-founder: EU probiotic approach is “dirty pool”

By Shane Starling

Jarrow Rogovin, never a man to mince his words, says it is high time the IPA and other trade groups stepped up to the plate to defend a sector that has been under regulatory siege on both sides of the Atlantic for several years.

Researchers close in on the ‘black box’ of bacterial vaginosis

Dispatches from Microbiota 2011

Researchers close in on the ‘black box’ of bacterial vaginosis

By Shane Starling in Paris

Dr Jacques Ravel, one the world’s leading vaginal microbia researchers, says revelations about differing ‘community types’ of vaginal bacteria could drastically improve treatments for the common condition, vaginosis.

Imminent ‘seed event’ set to expose dry labbing issues?

Dispatches from SupplySide West

Imminent ‘seed event’ set to expose dry labbing issues?

By Stephen Daniells

The industry may be on the verge of facing up to potential ‘dry labbing’ issues, which could bring the issue to the forefront and ‘hopefully get this problem fixed’, says ChromaDex’s Frank Jaksch.

Scalable new sources of omega-3 key to success for algae oils

Dispatches from SupplySide West 2011

Scalable new sources of omega-3 key to success for algae oils

By Stephen Daniells

The omega-3 market needs the new entrants from algae, but the new sources need to be manageable and scalable to ensure success, says the VP of business development for Aurora Algae.

NDI draft guidance release is ‘curious timing’: BI chief

Dispatches from SupplySide West

NDI draft guidance release is ‘curious timing’: BI chief

By Stephen Daniells

The timing of the release of the new dietary ingredient (NDI) draft guidance is “curious” given pressing economic/resource issues and “far more serious issues that FDA should be looking at”, says the chief executive of BI Nutraceuticals.

GOED explains its “big plans” for omega-3 health claims in 2012

Dispatches from SupplySide West 2011

GOED explains its “big plans” for omega-3 health claims in 2012

By Shane Starling from Las Vegas

With the volume of omega-3 science tripling in 10 years, the world’s leading omega-3 trade group is working with international regulators to have that research reflected in authorised claims – especially in the EU and the US.

US businesses face rude shock as EU health claims laws loom

Dispatches from SupplySide West 2011

US businesses face rude shock as EU health claims laws loom

By Shane Starling in Las Vegas

US companies need to get up to speed with European Union health claim changes or face big hits on existing trade or missed opportunities, according to the chief of a leading UK supplements group.

Simplicity trend 'is the future': Marketing expert

Simplicity trend 'is the future': Marketing expert

By Stephen Daniells

The convergence of food and supplements combined with other factors such as convenience is driving the move towards simplicity, a trend that is not only here to stay, but also represents 'the future', says Jeff Hilton from the Integrated Marketing...

Food industry and NASA share mutual goals for enhanced food quality

Dispatches from IFT

Food industry and NASA share mutual goals for enhanced food quality

By Stephen Daniells

The food industry and NASA share mutual goals in producing higher quality, more nutritious foods, and lessons learned on both sides could ultimately help feed astronauts on missions to Mars and beyond, says a scientist working on NASA's advanced...

Functional foods: How to get more bang for your buck

Functional foods: How to get more bang for your buck

Consumers want to get their nutrition from a healthy diet, not from popping pills. But why do so many functional foods tick all the right boxes on paper, but fail miserably on shelf? Elaine Watson caught up with George Pontiakos, chief executive of BI...

The next superfruit: Sea buckthorn and its elusive omega-7

Dispatches from IFT

The next superfruit: Sea buckthorn and its elusive omega-7

By Stephen Daniells in New Orleans

Sea buckthorn is a superfruit star on the rise, and increased media attention from the likes of Dr Oz makes it an ingredient to watch, says Jeff Hilton from the Integrated Marketing Group.

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

By Stephen Daniells

One year on from the $3.1 billion acquisition of Cognis, Samy Jandali, VP of nutrition and health North America for BASF, told Stephen Daniells why he is impressed with the progress of the integration and why we can expect more M&A in the nutrition...

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