Whole Grain

Source: Oldways Whole Grains Council

Assessing whole grains consumption: Part 1

Improved formulations help whole grain consumption rise, Oldways survey finds

By Elizabeth Crawford

More consumers are choosing whole grains regularly thanks in part to more sophisticated formulating techniques that better balance flavor and health benefits, according to a survey conducted by the non-profit Oldways Whole Grains Council. 

Australian researchers spent five years developing the high fructan barley grain

High fructan barley holds wholegrain promise, says CSIRO

By Kacey Culliney

A barley variety high in fructans and positively linked to improved gut health holds promise for wholegrain foods, according to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?

Special edition: Fiber

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?


Consumer demand for fiber-rich products is predicted to continue to sky rocket, with some industry observers claiming fiber will have ‘rock star’ status for the food and nutrition industries.

Whole Grain stamp now on 7,600+ products in 35 countries

Dispatches from the Whole Grains on Every Plate conference

The rise and rise of whole grain: Whole Grain stamp now on 7,600+ products in 35 countries

By Elaine Watson in San Antonio, Texas

The Whole Grain stamp now features on more than 7,600 products in 35 countries, while the number of new products featuring whole grain claims rose from 164 in 2000 to 3,378 in 2011, according to data unveiled at the Whole Grains on Every Plate conference...

Whole grain stamp goes public

Whole grain stamp goes public

The Whole Grains Council yesterday launched its food stamp to the
general public at the Natural Foods Expo West show taking place in
Anaheim. Cynthia Harriman, head of the council, told Philippa
Nuttall how the food industry has reacted...

5 a day force, new evidence

5 a day force, new evidence

The impact of vegetables, fruits and fiber on rectal cancer have a
role to play in reducing rectal cancer risk with findings from new
study suggesting high intakes could cut risk by up to a third with
whole grain foods as a particularly...


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