NutraWomen Wednesday: Alexis Collins, Dir. of Product & Brand Strategy, Stratum

Alexis Collins is a scientist and researcher with broad experience in nutrition and medicine, including over 10 years of working in the dietary supplement industry. As Stratum’s Director of Product & Brand Strategy, Collins evaluates, reviews and translates research.

While the inclusion of female subjects is improving, Collins said overall, women are still a very under-researched group.

“I think that especially women who are still on their hormonal cycles are under-researched because there is variability with that group that in the past researchers have definitely shied away from. I'm the mother of two daughters, so I hope that the message gets out quickly. There are a lot of people in our space and other spaces that are continuing to have the discussion and so I have high hopes, but yes, that group remains to be very underrepresented in research.”

In terms of advice for others in the industry, Collins suggests looking at opportunities within your workplace.

“Don't limit yourself–I started in nutrition and here I am, designing ingredient campaigns for our company by looking at the science and basing the campaign off of the science that I find compelling–but I get to be so creative with it. So, I would just say if you're curious about any other aspects of what happens in your company, just ask to spend a day with that team or even a week to explore. There's so much that can be done within this industry. So, I think fresh eyes and fresh takes in every aspect are something that is fantastic. So, don't be afraid to explore.”