NutraWomen Wednesday: Paula Simpson, Nutribloom Consulting

Paula Simpson is a nutritional scientist, herbalist and product development expert in the beauty wellness and healthy aging channel. As the Innovation, Product Development & Branding Consultant at Nutribloom Consulting, she is also a sought-after expert for all things beauty and nutrition.

The term ‘beauty’ was traditionally reserved exclusively for women  and cosmetics. Simpson said today, it’s taken on a whole new meaning. 

“If you're feeling beautiful, you will be beautiful. People are looking for ways to de-stress, connecting the dots with what they're consuming or how they're feeling and how it relates to their outer appearance – their skin, their hair, nails, even their eyes. So I think the education is a lot better than it was, even 3, 5, 10 years ago in North America, where there is a connection with nutrition and supplementation. So what you're ingesting is going to have some kind of positive impact and influence on your outer appearance.”

Simpson said she noticed a major shift when the pandemic happened. For the last couple years, consumers have picked up on bi-directional beauty trends by purchasing topicals and supplements for skin health. Another trend Simpson enjoys is all the attention on the gut and connecting it with things like skin health. 

“Rebalancing the body, both inside and out is really where I've seen that wave happen in the last few years, and it absolutely has had a positive effect on my business. I'm seeing a lot more lifestyle and wellness brands tapping into skincare and beauty, whereas maybe 10 years ago, it was just a personal care or mass beauty brands.”