NutraCast Podcast: on the untapped potential of female sports nutrition

Today’s NutraCast examines the sports nutrition world from a female lens and asks the question: “Do brands truly understand the needs of female athletes?”

To help us answer that question, we spoke with Rachel Pyron, a Strongwoman athlete who is on the regulatory compliance team at and an advocate for women in strength sports. CEO Jas Krdzalic also joined the NutraCast.

We discussed the “pink it and shrink it” approach of feminizing existing male products and explored how common it is for sports nutrition brands to develop high-quality formulas that will help female athletes achieve their endurance, strength, recovery, and other goals. 

Pyron said part of the problem with marketing to female athletes is the lack of understanding. 

“I think there are a number of products available to women, just the marketing is somewhat skewed and given how it looks, I think the interpretation is that women don’t know that the products are for them unless it is pink. So I think the products are there, but I think there’s a ‘miss’ in how those products are marketed and how the education is provided to women and the formulas themselves,” said Pyron.

Krdzalic added that the onus should not be placed on the consumer. 

“Consumers see what marketers serve,” said Krdzalic. “So I don’t think that’s on a consumer, I think that’s on all of us in the industry to do a much better job communicating clearly and being certain about the things we are driving the consumer toward. Female consumer communication is very good in some categories, clothing lines do a phenomenal job. Supplement industry is maybe just younger, it started in a male-dominated space, and we’re slowly getting a lot better and growing into it. And I think over time we will get there.”

To hear this conversation in its entirety,  listen to the NutraCast. You can also subscribe on iTunes here. 

If you enjoyed this conversation, be sure to check out the upcoming sports nutrition webinar on July 8th, presented by NutraIngredients-USA.

NutraCast is a podcast that focuses on insights from inside the nutrition industry. It is a production by NutraIngredients-USA. Music by Kevin Macleod.