Prop 65 is a California state law that mandates warnings on foods, dietary supplements, and other consumer products about exposures to certain substances, even at very low levels, when these are "known to the State of California" as carcinogens or reproductive toxins.
Prop 65 warnings are required for many chemicals that are commonly present in a wide variety of everyday products as well as for substances such as pesticides, gasoline, car exhaust, and cigarette smoke. As a result, warnings can be seen not only on product labels but also posted throughout California in restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, stores, buildings, parking garages and other locations.
“Prop 65 warnings can be alarming and even misleading when placed on products or in locations that present no actual risk,” said AHPA President Michael McGuffin. “AHPA's new webpage answers common questions like why warnings may appear on some products, but not on other, similar products, so consumers are better informed by these warnings.”
The webpage also gives consumers easy to understand information, including graphics that help illustrate how Prop 65 warnings are often required for levels of a chemical that are far below levels that cause actual harm.
“Consumers need to consider a number of factors in order to properly assess a Prop 65 warning and the safety of various products sold in California,” added McGuffin. “A Prop 65 warning does not necessarily mean that a product causes more exposure to Prop 65-listed chemicals than a similar product without a warning sitting on the shelf next to it.”