Probiotic blend benefits antibiotic users: Study

500+ Chinese hospital patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) have shown improvement after consuming a probiotic blend, a study has found.

DuPont Nutrition & Health’s HOWARU Restore lactobacillus and bifidobacterium-based blend showed significant improvement with AAD incidences observed at 12.5%, 19.6%, and 24.6% for high-dose, low-dose, and placebo groups.

“The tested four strain probiotic combination appears to lower the risk of AAD, CDAD, and gastrointestinal symptoms in a dose-dependent manner in adult in-patients,” the researchers concluded.

The triple-blind, dose-response study, published this month in Vaccine, recorded a decrease in several gastrointestinal symptoms – fever, bloating and abdominal pain. The number of daily liquid stools and average duration of diarrhea decreased with higher probiotic dosage. 

The 503 adult study subjects were recruited at Changhai Hospital in Shanghai and received probiotic capsules for seven days following antibiotic treatment. The table below shows study readings for a range of diarrhea-related endpoints.


“The present study is one of the largest studies with probiotics and AAD and is the only dose-response study with probiotics on AAD in adults,” the researchers added.

“The results indicate that the higher tested dose of the HOWARU Restore probiotic combination is more efficacious then the lower dose in reducing AAD symptoms, duration, and incidence in a hospital setting.”

“Nevertheless, the results should not be interpreted that a higher dose is always superior for any probiotic strain (combination) and any health target; that remains to be determined in more detail.”

AAD affects between 5% and 39% antibiotic users, depending on the type of antibiotic and duration of use.

The blend included Lactobacillus acidophilusLactobacillus paracasei and Bifidobacterium lactis.



Available online 26 November 2013

‘Probiotics reduce symptoms of antibiotic use in a hospital setting: A randomized dose response study’

Authors: Arthur C. Ouwehand, Cai DongLian, Xu Weijian, Morgan Stewart, Jiayi Ni, Tad Stewart, Larry E. Miller

Probiota 2014

Invested in pre- and probiotics? Probiota 2014 will explore the prebiotic-probiotic scientific frontier, its evolution and commercial application in food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics across the globe.

The 2-day, 2-stream event – formerly Probiotech and Microbiota - will be held in Amsterdam on February 4-5 next year. Will you be joining your peers there?

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