Heart health ingredient benefits weight management and digestion

A new hearth health fiber ingredient made from vegetarian sources may also benefit weight management and digestive health.

The patent-pending ingredient Artinia, marketed in the US by Stratum Nutrition, is produced from the chitin-glucan molecule obtained from the fungus Aspergillus niger.

Jeremy Moore, the company’s director of marketing, told NutraIngredients.com: “Artinia combines the benefits of both soluble and insoluble fibers to bolster the body’s natural anti-oxidant system and to promote arterial health.”

It supports the body’s natural defense against oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by boosting blood levels of super oxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

Cardiovascular disease

The oxidization of LDL cholesterol is accepted by the scientific community as causing fatty streaks in arteries which can start the lipid deposits that leads ultimately to cardiovascular disease,” said Moore.

Clinical trials have shown that the ingredient also lowered triglyceride levels in the blood and protects cells and tissues from oxidative stress, he added.

The company values the total US market for heart health ingredients at about $563m with double digit compound annual growth rate (CAGR). That compares with a European market value estimated at about $635m.

Meanwhile, in addition to heart health, the ingredient is thought to have digestive health and weight management benefits.

Studies have revealed prebiotic benefits resulting from the fiber ingredient feeding beneficial bacteria in the gut.

The ingredient may also have a weight management effect delivered by its water-binding capacity which may have satiety benefits. This may because the ingredient binds up to 13 times its own weight.

Cardio vascular heath benefits are well understood (in the US market) and consumers are looking for specific benefits in terms of clean arteries (and other benefits),” said Moore.

The company plans further research into the ingredient’s impacts on cardio-vascular health, weight management and digestive health.

GRAS status

Artinia now has an ODI opinion based on an expert report and expects to win novel foods approval at the beginning of next month.

The company also intends to work towards self-affirmed Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status which it hopes to achieve this Fall.

Currently formulated as a free-flowing powder for dietary supplements, the ingredient may be available from customers later in the form of tablets and wafers.

The ingredient is both non-allergic and not genetically modified.

Now available in the US, the ingredient will be launched in Europe before the end of the year and in Asia during the next six to 12 months.

The ingredient is manufactured by the Belgian company Kitozyme and distributed in the US by Stratum Nutrition; part of Novus International Business.