The Milwaukee, Wisconsin based firm will now be soley in charge of the sales and marketing for the complete line of Beijing Gingko's Ginnovay branded licorice root extracts and derivatives.
"Wixon provides Beijing Gingko with a well established platform of complementary applications technology, technical support and sales expertise that will prove to be an invaluable component of our US strategic plan for our specialty licorice root extracts," said Joseph Zannoni, vice president of sales and marketing for the group.
The extracts that will be marketed in the US by Wixon include MAG, 18-ß, AG, glycyrrhizinate salts, licorice extract block, spray dried powder and licorice paste as well as the full range of Magnifique flavor modifiers.
Wixon has developed specialized applications for the nutritional, beverage and food industry utilizing the licorice technology under the Magnifique line of flavor modifiers.
Beijing Gingko owns and operates the only Chinese Government GMP certified manufacturing facility in China today dedicated solely to the production of licorice root extracts.
The company said its new partnership is an extension of its strategy to establish sales and marketing relationships in key global markets with companies that have the capability to effectively support the needs and demands of a diverse customer base across a range of applications and industries.