
Arla's plans to fight malnutrition come under fire

AFI: 'This is a complement to breast feeding, not a replacement'

Arla's plans to fight malnutrition come under fire

By Niamh Michail

As Danish dairy giant Arla Foods Ingredients (AFI) announces plans to combat malnutrition in Ethiopia by selling ingredients for milk formula, campaigners warn that companies may be profiting from hunger by promoting their products.

Hemp is the new superfood for vitamins and omega-3

Not just for hippies: Hemp's rising superfood status

By RJ Whitehead

Bursting with nutrients and boasting an impressive growth rate, the future of hemp seed is bright– but what’s the best way for manufacturers to cash in on a product that is connected – mistakenly but understandably – with an illegal drug?

There's still much to learn about the role of caffeine in the onset of Alzheimer's disease, say researchers

What do we know about caffeine and Alzheimer's?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

It is ‘imperative’ more research is conducted on the potential benefits of caffeine in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, say scientists.

New study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting coffee consumption may reduce cardiovascular disease risk, say its authors

3-5 cups of coffee a day may help keep artery blockages away

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

People who consume between three to five cups of coffee a day may have a lower risk of coronary artery calcium build-up, which can lead to artery blockages, according to research published in the British Medical Journal’s publication Heart.

Typical EU-approved claims: “Consumption of [X] contributes to the reduction of the blood glucose rise after that meal [post-prandial].”

Special edition: Blood sugar management

Glycaemic (GI) foods remain in obesity-diabetes niche but claims are changing game


Foods that help moderate blood sugar activity are gaining more traction with diabetics, the overweight and the obese – with new EU claims backing their promise to control hunger impulses. With 2bn people overweight or obese in the world, and type-2 diabetes...

While current estimates for the burden of pre-diabetes suggest more people will suffer in the future, there is huge potential to reverse this trend by providing foods that help to better manage blood sugar and prevent pre-diabetes progression.

Special edition: Blood Sugar Management

Pre-diabetes: Public health time bomb … and industry opportunity

By Nathan Gray

By 2035 it is estimated that 8% of the global population will be classed as ‘pre-diabetic' – putting them at significantly higher risk of developing full type 2 diabetes. Such startling statistics are ticking bomb for healthcare costs, but could...

Special edition: functional foods

Functional Foods: The end of the processed foods era?

By Peter Wennstrom

To understand Functional Foods you must see it as a strategy to add value to processed foods, says the president and founder of the HealthyMarketingTeam, Peter Wennstrom, in this guest article.

Herbalife asks Mirror to take down 'baseless' article

Herbalife shakes not responsible for Mexican death, say doctors

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A "previous serious illness" was responsible for the death of a Mexican woman - not Herbalife weight loss shakes - say local doctors following accusations in the Mexican and UK press of lead contamination.

DuPont Nutrition & Health:


Nutrition profits jump 23% in mixed DuPont Q3 results


DuPont is reaping the benefit of its €5bn 2011 acquisition of Danish probiotics and enzymes giant Danisco, with its nutrition and health division showing 23% profit growth in a “sluggish” world market.

Learning from Japan's healthy ageing market

Special edition: Healthy ageing

Learning from Japan's healthy ageing market


From an €80 million market for anti-ageing placenta supplements to the world’s most innovative (and fad-driven) functional foods and drinks market, Japan’s healthy ageing market is unique and instructive.


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