Vitamin D

“Our analysis suggests that nutrient databases require regular updating, especially for nutrients that are added to foods by manufacturers...

More vitamin D in UK foods than previously: Study


The UK should update vitamin D food and supplement content estimations that have the knock-on effect of distorting population intake levels of the sunshine vitamin by about 3%, a study has concluded.

Experts claim sun still shines for vitamin D despite naysayers

Special edition: Sunshine and clouds for vitamin D

Experts claim sun still shines for vitamin D despite naysayers

By Hank Schultz

Vitamin D, the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ forms the core of one of the longest fortification stories in the nutritional sphere. Originally added to milk to combat rickets, the bone disease that results from deficiency, new research now supports claims of ever-wider...

Research supports ever-wider role for vitamin D, CRN says

Research supports ever-wider role for vitamin D, CRN says

By Hank Schultz

The outlook for vitamin D is getting ever brighter, as scientific results continue to pile up for the prohormone’s benefits.  The latest study on the relationship of vitamin D to the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease reinforces that picture, said...

Does vitamin D belong on the Nutrition Facts panel?

NYU professor questions supplements; vitamin D expert supports efficacy of oral forms

Does vitamin D belong on the Nutrition Facts panel?

By Maggie Hennessy

FDA proposals to list "added sugars" on the Nutrition Facts panel have already generated heated debate, so it's unsurprising that its plan to include vitamin D is proving equally controversial, with critics claiming it could encourage over-consumption...

Supplier says vitamin K2 is helping to turn the corner on calcium

Supplier says vitamin K2 is helping to turn the corner on calcium

By Hank Schultz

Calcium is yet another nutrient that has taken a recent hit in the press and the marketplace with associations of high calcium intake with increased heart disease risk. But a manufacturer of vitamin K2 believes that education on the beneficial interaction...

PLT to debut whole food vitamin D mushroom powder at IFT

PLT to debut whole food vitamin D mushroom powder at IFT

By Hank Schultz

PLT Health Solutions will debut a new vegetarian source of vitamin D with a whole food mushroom powder at the Institute of Food Technologists trade show later in June in New Orleans.  The new ingredient brings together several developing skeins in the...

Study found, “significant improvement in the constipation profile of subjects receiving EffectiCal”.

Canadians set for run at calcium constipation market

By Sarah Hills

A health science company is positioning for launch into the calcium bone health market after coming out top in a clinical trial that put it head-to-head with Pfizer’s Caltrate brand. Reduction of constipation side-effects were the main benefits.

Dr Heike Bischoff-Ferrari: “…we question if we get better answers from meta-analyses of meta-analyses without addressing what has repeatedly demonstrated before - that conclusions drawn from meta-analyses of vitamin D trials vary greatly as a function of the trials included, adherence and dose.”

“Which way up was the umbrella? Did this review collect knowledge or shield us from it?”

BMJ vitamin D research attacked: 'un-nuanced', 'flawed', 'irresponsible'


The ‘umbrella’ review of vitamin D studies that found a myriad of health links for the sunshine vitamin were unconfirmed in the scientific literature, has been criticised for containing too many flawed studies that warped the overall findings.

BMJ: Vitamin D, “might not be as essential as previously thought in maintaining bone mineral density.”

BMJ: Vitamin D benefits unconfirmed – even bone density


Vitamin D’s health links including its ability to boost bone density are not backed in the scientific literature, the British Medical Journal has found after an extensive review of published studies on the nutrient.

Review questions vitamin D for reducing chronic disease risk

Review questions vitamin D for reducing chronic disease risk


Low vitamin D levels may be a consequence of ill health and not the cause of chronic disease, says a new review, but industry groups have responded that supplementation is vital for bone health and should not be dismissed.

Supplements are cost effective, survey finds

Dispatches from Supply Side West 2013

Supplements are cost effective, survey finds

By Hank Schultz

Dietary supplement use isn’t just about health;  certain supplement regimens can be shown to deliver significant cost savings, said Steve Mister, president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

Vitamin D3 therapy’ may offer MS hope: Mouse data

Vitamin D3 therapy’ may offer MS hope: Mouse data

A single dose of calcitriol, the active hormone form of vitamin D, followed by ongoing vitamin D supplementation could help to halt the progression of multiple sclerosis, according to new research in mice.


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