
© Abul Hossain Asif / Getty Images

Low dose Holy Basil may reduce stress, improve sleep: Study

By Nicola Gordon-Seymour

Administration of Ocimum tenuiflorum extract (Holixer), or Holy basil, in low doses can reduce stress and insomnia and increase sleep efficiency, according to the results of a recent trial, published in Nutrition.

Getty Images / sdecoret

June Launch Pad

By Danielle Masterson

Sleep, sexual wellness and hydration were key ingredients in this month's new product launches.

© Handatko / Getty Images

CV Sciences reports 18% revenue drop for ‘challenging’ 2021

By Stephen Daniells

San Diego-based CV Sciences, one of the bell-weather companies in the hemp and CBD space, has reported a decline in revenues for the past financial year, but new initiatives have positioned the company for long-term growth, says its CEO.

Getty images / Tom Werner

Measuring psychological stress in health research

By Danielle Masterson

Between the pandemic, inflation rates, global issues and more, an increasing number of consumers are turning to supplements to support their mental health. According to SPINS, vitamins & supplements for stress relief and sleep support products saw...

Getty Images /  colnihko

New study explores CBD and CBN for sleep

By Danielle Masterson

CBD brand CBDistillery in partnership with MoreBetter (dba Releaf App) recently announced the results from a 31-day study it calls the Sleep Pathfinder Mission utilizing CBDistillery's Regular Strength Sleep Synergy Tincture.

Can prebiotics and probiotics improve sleep?

Microbiome modulation to improve sleep: What does the science say?

By Stephen Daniells

Consumers are increasingly aware of the detrimental effects of not getting enough sleep, and emerging links between the gut microbiota and sleep could create opportunities for prebiotics and probiotics in the booming natural sleep aid category.

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Guest Article

The gut's impact on a good night's sleep

By Guus Kortman, Gut Microbiologist, and Andrei Prodan, Data Scientist at Nizo

With sleep being rated as a top health priority for consumers across the globe in 2021, NutraIngredients speaks to an expert about the research linking the gut microbiome to this health goal.

NutraCast: Stuart Titus, PhD, on CBN for Sleep

NutraCast: Stuart Titus, PhD, on CBN for Sleep

By Danielle Masterson

Many of us know that valerian root, ashwagandha, chamomile and melatonin are helpful in delivering a good night’s rest. But how about CBN? Stuart Titus, PhD, CEO and president at Medical Marijuana, said that cannabinol hasn't really been available...

© eskymaks / Getty Images

Ashwagandha extract cuts amount of non-restorative sleep: RCT

By Stephen Daniells

Daily supplementation with a standardized ashwagandha extract (Shoden) may reduce the amount of nonrestorative sleep experienced by healthy adults, says data from a gold-standard randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial.


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