Dietary Supplements

In defense of DSHEA: a call for calm

In defense of DSHEA: a call for calm

By Ivan J. Wasserman and Svetlana N. Walker

The recent Hydroxycut recall has caused a stir and the knives are out once again for the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). But food lawyers Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker argue those that would carve the regulation up are turning...

FDA supplement warning letters: 2008 year in review

FDA supplement warning letters: 2008 year in review

By Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued over 40 warning letters to supplement marketers last year. An analysis by FDA legal specialists Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker reveals that the agency’s focus was on cancer claims made on internet web...

Nanotech in supplements unsafe, says report

Nanotech in supplements unsafe, says report

By Lorraine Heller

The use of nanotechnology in dietary supplements is badly understood and largely unregulated, and could be putting consumers at serious risk, claims a new report.

What is Section 912?

What is Section 912?

Stuart Craig, Danisco's director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, North America, explains why Section 912 could have a major impact on the way dietary supplements are regulated in the United States.

cGMPs expected today?

cGMPs expected today?

By staff reporter

After so much waiting, the dietary supplements industry is
preparing itself for the expected announcement of current good
manufacturing practice (cGMP).


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