Regulations, Legislation & Enforcement

FDA nominee strongly affirms DSHEA during hearing

FDA nominee strongly affirms DSHEA during hearing

By Hank Schultz

A staunch affirmation of DSHEA by Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD the nominee for FDA commissioner, is a highly promising sign for the immediate prospects of industry cooperation with the agency, said the head of a trade organization.

AHPA, CRN suggest tweaks, wholesale overhauls of manufacturing regs

AHPA, CRN suggest tweaks, wholesale overhauls of manufacturing regs

By Hank Schultz

A call from the U.S. Commerce Department for suggestions on streamlining manufacturing regulations has generated responses from industry trade organizations, with the different tacks the suggestions take reflecting those organizations’ membership.

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

By Hank Schultz

The presence and proliferation of phenylethylamines in sports nutrition products continues to be a thorn in the side of the dietary supplement industry.  But trying to regulate these ingredients away is not nearly as straightforward as was the case with...

© iStock Choreograph

Have thousands of facility registrations lapsed?

By Hank Schultz

A quirk of the latest go round in the FDA facility registration process means thousands of foreign firms could find their registrations have lapsed, a leading consultant tells NutraIngredients-USA.

© iStock/Jezperklauzen

IPA recommends expanded grandfathered list for probiotics

By Stephen Daniells

The International Probiotics Association has urged the FDA to expanded the ‘grandfathered list’ of dietary ingredients to include bacterial strains globally recognized as used historically in foods.

NPA urges FDA to back off in applying food additive standards

NPA urges FDA to back off in applying food additive standards

By Hank Schultz

The Natural Products Association has urged FDA to cease its attempt to apply  food additive standards to dietary ingredients. To do so would create an undue burden on small business, many of which are represented by NPA.

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