Personalized Nutrition

InsideTracker integrates DNA insights with GoalGetter

InsideTracker integrates DNA insights with GoalGetter

By Stephen Daniells

Personalized nutrition specialist InsideTracker is expanding its analytical offerings with the launch GoalGetter, a DNA-based personalized nutrition and wellness product in the store.

Support for digestive health claims among topics for tomorrow's event

Online Digestive Health Conference

Support for digestive health claims among topics for tomorrow's event

By Hank Schultz

Probiotics and prebiotics—the names themselves are a claim, something that companies need always to be aware of. This is one of the topics that will be covered in tomorrow’s Online Digest Health Conference sponsored by NutraIngredients-USA.

Sign up for Digestive Health Conference, set for this  Wednesday

Sign up for Digestive Health Conference, set for this Wednesday

By Hank Schultz

What’s the latest evidence for the effects of probiotics? What about prebiotics? What are the current market trends? The answers to these and other questions can be heard in an online conference scheduled for this Wednesday.

A day at SupplySide West 2017 with personalized nutrition co Care/Of

SupplySide West 2017

Behind the scenes with personalized nutrition company Care/Of

By Adi Menayang

Interest in personalized nutrition has been climbing steadily since the summer of 2015, according to search queries for the term analyzed by Google Trends, and personalized nutrition brands will have increasing presence at industry trade shows like SupplySide...

Market report shows growing trend toward integrative medicine

Market report shows growing trend toward integrative medicine

By Hank Schultz

A new market survey from consultancy Pure Branding claims that more and more doctors are incorporating concepts of integrative medicine into their practices, a development that can be seen as good news for the supplement industry.

Image © Habit. Used with permission

Special Edition: Personalized Nutrition

Habit rolls out nationwide: The timing was right for us, says CSO

By Stephen Daniells

After a successful beta program in the Bay Area, Habit is going nationwide. Josh Anthony, PhD, Habit’s founding Chief Scientific Officer tells us why the timing was right for the personalized nutrition trailblazer.

Photo: iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

13 personalized nutrition companies on the market today

By Adi Menayang

As more studies on human nutrition suggest 'one-size-fits-all' isn't the way of the future, more companies are springing up peddling personalized nutrition solutions. We collected 13 personalized nutrition services and products that are...

© iStock/eternalcreative

What will nutrition & health look like in 2067?

By Dr Mark Miller, principal of Kaiviti Consulting, LLC

This is a projection of what nutritional health will look like 50 years from now in 2067. It does make ridiculously excessive speculations but the intent is to encourage conversation, dreaming, creativity & exchange. I hope you join in.

Research sheds light on nature of ancient microbiome

Research sheds light on nature of ancient microbiome

By Hank Schultz

Is there a goal to shoot for when trying to alter consumers’ microbiomes?  Researcher Jeff Leach is trying to answer that question with work he is doing among hunter gather groups in Africa.

Image credit: Adriano Kitani

Dispatches from Experimental Biology 2017

Study unlocks how genes may affect dietary preferences

By Stephen Daniells

Genes involved in behavioral and psychological traits appear to drive a significant part of someone’s food preferences and dietary habits, says a new study from Spain.

DNAFit: 'We report on 45-50 of the most researched gene variants that have a link to exercise or nutrition response.'

Food Vision preview: London, 1-3 March 2017

Personalised sports nutrition gains another player


At Food Vision in London on March 1-3 ex-Olympian Andrew Steele will explain why he is so excited about applying genetics to dramatically improve the nutrition and performance of sportspeople.

© iStock/oatawa

What’s on NutraIngredients-USA's 2017 Editorial Calendar?

By Stephen Daniells

From immune support to deep dives into sports nutrition, personalized nutrition, botanicals, omega-3s, probiotics, pet supplements, and more, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2017 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends in the industry.

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