Personalized Nutrition

Healthy aging in focus: ‘The surface has barely been scratched’

Healthy aging in focus: ‘The surface has barely been scratched’

By Mary Ellen Shoup

As the average lifespan continues to increase in many countries due to advances in science and medicine, so too does the conversation around healthy aging, progressing from an interest in understanding its origins to studying how to reduce, delay, or...

The nootropics industry has the potential to reach the 380 milllion individuals that make up the eSports community.  ©GettyImages/gorodenkoff

Special edition: Nootropics

Nootropics industry has a largely untapped opportunity in eSports

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Consumer needs of the competitive online gaming community have evolved beyond chugging caffeine-laden energy drinks and towards more sophisticated functional formulations of nootropics—dietary supplements that claim to improve mental acuity, vision, and...

iStock / Rasulovs

“If you can tell us what it is you like, or what you can eat and can't eat … if it exists, we will find it for you."

'Hyper-personalised' recommendations: Spoon Guru targets global domination with growing list of partnerships

By Nathan Gray

UK food tech start-up Spoon Guru has a goal of becoming the dominant technology platform for users looking for product recommendations based on specific lifestyle goals or dietary needs, says co-founder and CEO Markus Stripf, as the company looks to increase...

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