Media & industry critics

Herbalife shrugs off FTC, Ackman;  boosts 2017 outlook

Herbalife shrugs off FTC, Ackman; boosts 2017 outlook

By Hank Schultz

Herbalife has shaken off the lingering effects of a big-ticket settlement with the Federal Trade Commission with a relatively solid quarterly results statement that was welcomed by stock traders.

AHPA's botanical GMPs document ready for field testing

AHPA's botanical GMPs document ready for field testing

By Hank Schultz

The American Herbal Products Association has issued a version of its ‘botanical GMPs’ document.  Several member companies have stepped forward to field test the recommendations, AHPA president Michael McGuffin said.

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

PEAs harder to control than were steroids, experts say

By Hank Schultz

The presence and proliferation of phenylethylamines in sports nutrition products continues to be a thorn in the side of the dietary supplement industry.  But trying to regulate these ingredients away is not nearly as straightforward as was the case with...

© iStock/Kagenmi

Organic & Natural Health launches omega-3 field study

By Stephen Daniells

The Organic and Natural Health Association has launched a consumer education campaign to encourage consumers to test their omega-3 levels to identify supplementation needs, following on from the success of its “Power of D” campaign.

GNC reportedly to file suit over banned Super Bowl ad

GNC reportedly to file suit over banned Super Bowl ad

By Hank Schultz

GNC reportedly is considering filing suit over the NFL's rejection of the company's Super Bowl ad. While the rejection has been called hypocritical, a sports consultant said he wasn't surprised. 

© iStock / Jezperklauzen

13 things we learned from the IPA’s DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

From market sizing to the positions from FDA and FTC on NDIs and claims substantiation, the International Probiotic Association’s DC workshop succeeded in providing a venue for sharing knowledge and expertise.

© iStockPhoto / areeya_ann

Special Edition: Botanicals

Turmeric leads the charge as herbal sales continue to bloom

By Stephen Daniells

With 118% growth in the mass channel and 32% growth in the natural channel, turmeric/curcumin was the stand-out ingredient in 2015, with overall sales for the ingredient exceeding $50 million in mass & natural channels.

Herbalife now free to pursue in-house manufacturing goal

Herbalife now free to pursue in-house manufacturing goal

By Hank Schultz

Nutrition giant Herbalife followed a winding road to the payment of a $200 million fine and an FTC-mandated restructuring.  The network marketing company, with more than $4.5 billion revenue in 2015, can now move forward on its mission of business expansion...

AMA warns members about rise of nootropics

AMA warns members about rise of nootropics

By Hank Schultz

A new policy by the American Medical Association on nootropics once again highlights the blurred edges of what can legitimately be called a ‘dietary supplement.’

Experts dispute notion that DSHEA hamstrung FDA

Experts dispute notion that DSHEA hamstrung FDA

By Hank Schultz

Despite the tenor of a recent meeting of ex FDA commissioners, DSHEA didn’t tie the hands of federal regulators, experts contacted by NutraIngredients-USA have said.

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